by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

Yes It Is Me

0.0 x 0.0

38" high x 31" wide x 8" deep mixed media "Yes It Is Me" - She had been wandering through the forest for days, her body energized by her desire to find "Him". She didn't really know what "He" looked like, but she felt that when she did come upon "Him", she would immediately be thunderstruck with recognition. Her thoughts were a conglomoration of colors and voices from the past. She saw the disgruntled looks, the whispers, the shut doors, felt the sting of hands slapping and pinching her and it all compiled into one horrible nightmare. When she could no longer bear the visions she decided to look for her savior in the forest preserve. "He will help. He will know what to do. He won't disappoint me", she muttered. Then a vision appeared in the sky. The black clouds parted and a face faded in and out. She knew it was "Him". She had found "Him"! She began to jump up and down and wildly wave her arms. Then she screamed "Yes, it is me!.........Here I am. Please help me!" Hours later she was still screaming and waving her arms wildly when the police came and gently put her in their car to be transported to a mental hospital.

Artwork Details

