About The Artist

Dmitry Filov was born in 1953 in St. Peterburg. The age of maturity is being passed in the Crimea. Dmitry has graduated from the Simferopol University. He began painting in 1970, and from 1978 it has become his profession. The Crimea is one of the earth-s points nearest to the cosmos as the essence of all relations and of everything being. The painter-s aim is to get into contact with the energy of these relations and to transform it through himself, to interfere in the cosmic chain of natural phenomena, which means the attempt to make his own, may be little contribution into the «weighing machine» of creation, assembling all the good by painting canvases. For Filov the picture is an instrument of invocation, of assembling good thoughts. While truing to help pictures to find their onlookers, Filov was one of the creators of the Crimean society of modern art \1987\. Very many different prestigeous exhibitions and thick catalogues. An art-critic and a literary worker too. He lives in Simferopol \Crimea\. Mob. Tel. +7978 883 9033 dmitry.filoff@yandex.ru