Jeannine Flower

Jeannine Flower

About The Artist

A self-taught artist born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania (USA). Following 27 years in the corporate world focusing on strategic accounting policy advisory roles in financial services (London, Paris and Connecticut at General Electric) I returned with my family to Paris after a 7 year absence. With the move, I changed "tack" to focus on my family, my skills as an amateur showjumper (sport shared with my daughter), and to rekindle my love for oil painting. From a young age, I was heavily involved in music (a classically-trained pianist and violinist). I also had a obsession for drawing horses, which culminated in Saturday morning workshops at Moore School of Art, Philadelphia at 9-10 years old: I learned the basics in using different art medium. I created paintings for my family, my teachers (as a part of school projects), 12-15' murals for high school events, and artwork for private collection as well as winning awards at local art shows. My painting took a backburner with the advent of university and a professional accounting career that took me from the US to Europe (London / Paris) and a period in the Middle East where I met my British husband (1993). After a long hiatus, in May 2017 I have picked up my paintbrushes and palette to start my journey as an artist.