Hanne Matthiesen

Hanne Matthiesen

About The Artist

http://www.hannematthiesen.dk/ https://www.facebook.com/hannematthiesen.dk/ Hanne Matthiesen is a Danish mixed-media artist and curator working with collages, unique artists' books and various kinds of installations and art projects. Works are usually based on "simple" materials. Recycled paper, fabrics, found objects and natural materials are transformed into her unmistakeable, beautiful minimal deliberate style. Universal, existential and metaphysical questions is the major theme in her art works. An interest in life, death, resurrection - or you could say the cycle of life - combined with a sobering, straight forward and down to earth documentation of the "moment", NOW and HERE, of everyday subjects and the daily miracle of life as well as the overlaps and cracks between the mundane and the sacral world is her trademark.