Martin Randall Joyce

Martin Randall Joyce

About The Artist

Born in Gary, Indiana, I came to New York City to attend college, and basically never left. Self-taught for the most part, though I had an excellent painting class with Jenny Snyder at Columbia College, and a drawing class much later at the New School. I am continually amazed that there is so much to see in the world around us, and I like to think that there is beauty in all of it, if you just look for it. For all sorts of reasons, an individual might look away, before even seeing, from some of those beauties. But I want to look, I want to find the beauty, and I want to show it to you, so that you can see it, too. I've participated in recent shows in Madrid (Trevisan International Art Exhibition) and New York (Agora Gallery), and will soon be in another in Bologna, at Galleria de Marchi.