Odinamaad(Isaac Weber)

Odinamaad(Isaac Weber)

About The Artist

I was Born in Rotterdam to parents with very different cultural backgrounds and a troubled family diaspora. At an early age in my life I made my way into a foster parent family, And lost the first hand cultural influences from my parents. My mother was adopted out from Canada, like hundreds of Anishinaabek (Indigenous) children scooped by the system and it’s agenda with the Aboriginal First Nations. My Father is From Cabo Verde who lived in Holland now made this European country his home. After sailing around the Globe as an sailor for an oil company. I in the outskirts of Rotterdam exploring the urban city life from my mid teens.Exposed to art through graffiti, art class and graphic design school. In this oppressive alien society I worked myself through this period in time by drawing my visions of this world. The arts served me as an escape from reality. Because of my ethnic background my focus was on political and social processes surrounding my community. And ever since then you can find Me by a canvas workstation in the studio or in the city with a backpack full of spray paint and serious passion.