Israel da Costa

Israel da Costa

About The Artist

Israel Da Costa Oliveira, (Israel Da Costa) was born on January 24, 1969 in Quijingue, Bahia, Brazil. l989, attended the Art Salon of Anapolis Art Museum, Goias, Brazil. 1989, exhibition in honor of Salvador Dali, Anapolis Art Museum, Goias, Brazil. l990, a solo exhibition at Itau-Gallery, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1990, participated in the XXIV GREMI of Inhumas, Goias, Brazil. l994, performs a solo exhibition at the Cultural Telemig, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. l996, a solo exhibition at Gallery Frei Confalone in Goiania, Goias, Brazil. 2009, Art Basel Miami Beach. Exhibition of portraits of the Elaine Lancaster | FROM INGNUE TO MUSE. Miami Art Space 244 NW 35th Street, Miami, Florida . USA.