Christof Köfler

Christof Köfler

About The Artist

Christof Köfler was born on 23.12.1969 at Mitterhof in Huben, Ötztal. There he experienced his childhood with constant rambles through nature. With 14 years of desire and determination to become an artist. 1987 First breakout from the narrowness of the village. Since that time, engagement and study of colors and shapes through reflection and participation in various painting seminars. 1990 stays abroad in Italy and Switzerland, during this time occupation with oil painting and various painting techniques. 1991 Construction of a basement studio in the Mitterhof house, where a two-year hermit's life with an exclusive focus on painting begins, begins with numerous experiments in painting, and many a picture emerges. Solo exhibitions, participation in group exhibitions and art actions follow. 1993 Relocation to the city of Vienna, entry into social work through community service. City observations and forays awaken interest in ornamental art. Try to use the ornament in the design. Acclimatization. 1993 - 2002 Institutional and private care of mentally and physically disadvantaged people in Vienna and the surrounding area. 1995 Studies at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna: master class for painting and graphics with a focus on "Art, Psyche & Disease" with O. Hs. Prof. Wolfgang Hutter. 1999 Co-founder of the artist group "Die Gruppe" in Vienna. 2000 Moved to the Lower Austrian market town Böheimkirchen. With the art project "Art Komplexes" "Die Gruppe" receives a nomination for the State Prize" for Publik Relations. Köfler describes his artistic work as "Akryptomaniac – art" 2002 Follows the dissolution of the artist group "Die Gruppe". Return to the Mitterhof in Huben, Ötztal. 2003 Diploma at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna: Institute for Painting and Graphics with Prof. Herzig Wolfgang. MAK. Vienna. Sponsorship of the Master of Arts (Mag. Art.) 2004 Founding of the small business "Akryptomanische - art" with a focus on: painting & graphics, art & painting assistance, art in construction & public space, design, objects & land art, art projects & organization. Ongoing Institutional and Private Art & Painting Teaching Assistance for people with special abilities and needs in Tyrol. 2005 co-founder of the private art school "Lebensform Kunst + WIR" in Innsbruck. 2006 The "Koeflerart" (artist family Köfler) studio is located in the studio community of visual artists Imst in the former Sonnbergschule Imst. 2010 Receives a teaching assignment from the Provincial School Board for Tyrol in the subject of visual education at the Educational Institute for Kindergarten Education in Zams. 2010 becomes a full member of the Tyrolean artist group. 2014 co-founder of Ateliers Sonnberg Autonomous Art and Culture Association (ASAKUK) former Sonnbergschule Imst. 2016 in Paris. Introduction to the painting game and the Formulation Seminar with Arno Stern. 2017 On the part of the City Council Imst and its cultural department, the Ateliers Sonnberg Autonomous Art and Culture Association (ASAKUK) is no longer supported and the Künstlerhaus was demolished in 2017. 2017 Some of the artists from the former Künstlerhaus am Sonnberg in Imst formulate themselves anew in Strad near Tarrenz. (Atelier Spiegelfreudenseh).