Caroline Dion    (CAR-di)

Caroline Dion (CAR-di)

About The Artist

Born in Dolbeau, Lac St-John, Québec, Canada, Caroline Dion who goes by the name of CAR-di, learned to make and love art at a young age. She works by trying to capture the emotional essence of her subjects. Alwaysin exploration, she is doing her best to master her work more and more each day. She has had numerous solo, international exhibits in museums and gallery (solo and group) in Canada, France, Belgium and Britain and now Vegas. As dreams, images appear when she closes her eyes. These allow a few seconds to capture her thoughts on a piece of paper. She paints to satisfy an overactive and artistic imagination and at the same time release emotions on edge. Painting, poetry will always be part of her life. Like a poem, she opens her heart to anyone who wants to read it. The acrylic is well suited to the desired effect, she decides to explore this medium for several years. Now oil, acrylic, watercolor and ink are all part of its means of expression. Her oil painting worked whith a spatula (or palette knife) are called vibrating and exploding with emotions.