About The Artist
Use the most intense colors to subdue the most ferocious beasts .
Jacky chewkor is a Impressionism and fauvism artist.In his early life,he worked as graphic designer,reporter and part time administrator
there is a day when he encounter the oil paint tube, he transform become oil painter,he learn the history and absorb technique from various great old master,
,he choose Impressionism and fauvism as preliminary style,The Impressionist brushstrokes are like a tamer's whip, taming the outdoor wild and vivid Fauvism beasts, beast is like a desire,,beast of aesthetic,beast of color,beast of perfection,beast of hate and love.With reform and modification on shape ,line and detail,He felt both styles could be integrated to complement each other.
Colors needless to be attached to any natural form or their authenticity with they have their own character traits. It gets rid of the inherent color characteristics of objects, and color will release its independence and regain its dominance. It fully shows the expressionist tendency of pursuing emotional expression. Even if the beast is locked in a cage, it is still the most striking object. Art is not for the specific,art relate to everybody,from prison to palace.Art is more than pretty and aesthetic feeling
Art can attract,arouse,reflect,motivate,praise,criticize,convey,inspire,appeal,
cure even--- revolution
Every master has a different interpretation of style. What he defines is the message of the style
JACKY CHEWKOR 周谷嶫 是馬來西亞 印象与野獸派畫家,他擁有工商,设计与油画文凭證書,他早期從事行政与美术设计工作,在一次偶然的机缘下他接觸到了油画颜料管,他便转形为油画家。他开始学习西洋美术历,從各门各派大師吸取精髓,基於对色彩筆觸和鮮豔对比的偏好,他选择印象与野獸派为風格的初期,通过对形状,线条和细节的改革和修改,他觉得两种风格可以融合,互相裨補,相得益彰
印象派的笔触就像驯兽师的鞭子,驯服了户外狂野而生动的野兽,所谓的野獸也代表了内心的慾望 ,美感的野兽,色彩的野兽,完美的野兽,爱与恨的野兽
運用兩派的特色,为外面世界一切的人事物,花草木,楼河路,在金碧陽光的照耀下,铺上多层交溶色彩,让这个熙熙攘攘,喧嚣繁华的世界增添 缤纷绚丽,千紫斑斓
EDUCATIONDiploma in oil paint ,design and B administration
AWARD-OH Amazing art complementary award
1998-First impression-KT LOTUS GALLERY
1999-Reimpression-KT gallery Astaka showroom
1999-ultimate group impression art show
2000-Wild beast millineum art exhibition
2013-Unleash the beast art show
2017-fauvism Impressionism -paramount art show exhibition
there is a day when he encounter the oil paint tube, he transform become oil painter,he learn the history and absorb technique from various great old master,
,he choose Impressionism and fauvism as preliminary style,The Impressionist brushstrokes are like a tamer's whip, taming the outdoor wild and vivid Fauvism beasts, beast is like a desire,,beast of aesthetic,beast of color,beast of perfection,beast of hate and love.With reform and modification on shape ,line and detail,He felt both styles could be integrated to complement each other.
Art can attract,arouse,reflect,motivate,praise,criticize,convey,inspire,appeal,
cure even--- revolution
印象派的笔触就像驯兽师的鞭子,驯服了户外狂野而生动的野兽,所谓的野獸也代表了内心的慾望 ,美感的野兽,色彩的野兽,完美的野兽,爱与恨的野兽
運用兩派的特色,为外面世界一切的人事物,花草木,楼河路,在金碧陽光的照耀下,铺上多层交溶色彩,让这个熙熙攘攘,喧嚣繁华的世界增添 缤纷绚丽,千紫斑斓
1999-Reimpression-KT gallery Astaka showroom
1999-ultimate group impression art show
2000-Wild beast millineum art exhibition
2013-Unleash the beast art show
2017-fauvism Impressionism -paramount art show exhibition