About The Artist

Shoeb Faruquee is a self-accomplished photographer born 1960 in Patiya, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Father Meah Faruquee is a Freedom fighter, veteran politician, writer and columnist. Shoeb started photography in early eighties, though he took it as his whole time passion and profession in 1990. He is the Founder Director of Photobank Gallery a versatile photographic institution including stock photo agency, and Photoart Institute, a teaching and training academy of photography. He is an honorary fellow and advisor of Bangladesh Photographic Society (BPS) also honorary guest teacher of Architecture department of Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology.He is also a guest lecturer at Fashion and Technology department of Port City International University, Chittagong, Bangladesh, He achieved Chattogram Zilla Shilpakala Academy Padak 2018 (State Award) He was a Member of the Juries for several national and international photography contests. He has conducted different photographic workshops home and abroad. His photographs are published in such prestigious and renowned dailies, magazines and journals around the world such as Stern, Geo, Telegraph, New Internationalist Magazine, Readers Digest Australia, and many others. His works on ‘Ship Breaking Yard in Chittagong' have been exhibited at World Press Photo Award Days at Felix Meritis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005. His first solo exhibition entitled ‘Manush’ (Humans) was organized by Alliance Francaise de Chittagong and held in their Gallery in 2009. A photographic presentation of him entitled ‘Evening Photography Talk with the Photographer Shoeb Faruquee’ was held in Dar Ibne Al-Haytham for Visual Arts in Al-Bastakia, Dubai in 2010. His stock images have been used worldwide by the institutions and organizations He already have received more then 100 international awards, including the 2nd prize on Contemporary Issues – in the 48th World Press Photo Contest 2005 The Netherlands. Humanity Photo Documentary Awards, China. Nikon photo contest prize 2009/2010. Japan. ACCU Grand Prix 2002 Japan. VIPC Grand prize 2006 Italy. Al Thani Awards for Photography Gold Medal 2007,Qatar. Emirates Photo Contest Prize 2010 UAE, Two 2nd prize and three honor Mention prize from WHO Photo / Video Contest 2007 Switzerland, 4 times Ashahi Shimbun award winner,Japan. Grand Prize Hero Kuwait Grand photography contest 2016 , 1st prize Food for Celebration, Pink Lady Food Photographer of the year 2016 and 2017 and also overall winner 2017 UK etc.