Betty Wachsstock Schonfeld

Betty Wachsstock Schonfeld

About The Artist

ARTISTS BIOGRAPHY- Betty Wachsstock - Schonfeld Born in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1954 1972-73 - Studies at the academy of Bezalel in Jerusalem. 1973-75 - Studies with Prof. Jan de Schutter, from the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. 1980-82 - Free student at the Avni Institute of Arts in Tel Aviv. 1988- Price of Excellency at the International Art Competition of New York. 2007 – Price of the public "Une Oeuvre De Faience"- Quipped- France. 2005 – Selected for the 2nd Beijing Biennale with the sculpture: CONTINENTS. 2006 – Was selected to participate in the project "2008 Olympic Landscape Sculpture – Beijing" with the sculpture: ENCOUNTERS Since 1982, she is exhibiting in Belgium, France, Holland, Panama, U.S.A., and Israel. Moved to live in Israel with her family in 1996 lives and teaches in Petah-Tikwa. PRINCIPAL REALISATIONS 1995 – SOTHEBY’S –“MASK “Auction – organized by AKIM – Tel Aviv 1995 - "NESHAMA", Monument at the Jewish Museum in Brussels 1996 - "SAMSON" Environmental Sculpture at the Middelheim, in Antwerp 1996 - SPORT TROPHEE – designed for Maccabi as a present to the municipality of Antwerp 1997 - "JACOB’S LADDER " Monument at the university of Bar Ilan, Ramat Gan 6 m hight 1998 – TROPHEE realized for the University of Bar Ilan as a gift to Mr Lev Levayoff and Binjamin Netanyahu. 2001 - TROPHEE realized for the University of Bar Ilan ,attributed as “Award of Honor”,for the creation of “The Ruth and Baruch Rappaport Center For Assimilation Research And Strenghtening Jewish Vitality” 2003 – TROPHEE as price of “Fair Play “for the “European Maccabia 2003 Games“in Antwerp 2005 – Selected for the 2nd Beijing Biennale with the sculpture: CONTINENTS. 2006 – Was selected to participate in the project "2008 Olympic Landscape Sculpture – Beijing" with the sculpture: ENCOUNTERS PUBLICATIONS Lineart '89 - Triennal of Sculpture Campo & Campo '92 - Amha Collection '95 - Art & Antique Fair Knokke , Belgium,90 - Museum of St Niklaas ', Belgium '90 -" Art & Antique Fair " Rotterdam '90 - " Rotary Club " Lier '91 - " Cobra exhibition " '91 -" The Voice of Art " Brussels '92 -"Made in Belgium " The Casino Ostende '93 - The Bible Museum Tel Aviv "98 -Yad Lebanim Museum Petah Tikwa "99 - "Contemporary Jewish Art in Belgium after 1950 " 99 - "Poetry , the Artists Muse "01 Amsterdam - "Belgian Artists '01 " Hebrew University of Jerusalem ' . The Album of the second Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2005"