Ahlam Alshedoukhy

Ahlam Alshedoukhy

About The Artist

Born 1962 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where she lives and works, Ahlam graduated from King Saud University in 1989 with bachelor degree in medicine and surgery. She was determined to achieve a recognized degree in the field of medicine. In 2000 she acquired a fellowship degree in the field of pathology from university of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Her artistic journey began with her choice of specialization in the field of medicine, as she was fascinated by the complexity and beauty of the cells of the human body. After she returned home, she pursued a focused medical carrier as a consultant pathologist and assistant professor for more than 18 years. Through her experience as a physician, she has come to appreciate the presence of art in science – the significance of shape and forms of the human cells, the detailed and delicate technique needed to unravel their mystery, and the humanity without which no science would exist. The visual stimulation of the microscope triggered her interest to express and transport what she sees under the microscope to work on canvas. While through her experience as an artist she discovered the presence of science in art – the layers of details, the complexity of existence, the beauty that is life, and the humanity without which no art would have purpose; the humanity where the two finally meet. It wasn’t until after more than 25 years of studying and practicing medicine that she decided to independently educate herself in art and pursue a focused approach. She now paints daily and is involved in local and international art scenes. Her first exhibition was in year 2015, since then she participated in several group exhibitions in her hometown in Riyadh, and then in Jeddah, Dubai, and most recently in Honk Kong for the Asia Contemporary Art Show and in Paris for Art Shopping to the Carrousel du Louvre. In 2018 she came second runner up in the category of International Artist Award at World Art Dubai in recognition of her talent. Over this short period of time she had three solo exhibitions with great success.