by Nina Gabriel

Artwork Description


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Mixed Media – Home Décor February 2005 24” x 29” 61cm x 73cm Framed 29” x 35” 73cm x 89cm Collage/Assemblage/Embroidery/Silk ribbon embroidery/Beaded embroidery/Cross stitch/Crystals/Gem stones/Handmade and special papers/Rare Victorian silk flowers/Peacock feathers/Ivory Elephant/Photography/Decoupage/Acrylics/Pearl Ex pigments/Found objects/ Papier-mâché. Wisdom of Sophia This collage represents the challenges and experiences living through the pentagram The Grand Quintile - # 5 and also #7 The Sacred Hectogram. The main challenge, I believed and took, is to acknowledge one’s own gifts and abilities, and following the dream, getting out of the comfort of the box (4) and stepping out into the unknown, but with faith in divine guidance into the triangle (3), thus integrating body, mind and spirit, to become free and complete person. Always listening to intuition, this is always guided by one’s higher self. It is not easy, to step into unknown, from the comfort of the cube, but the challenge is to try, to dare. When one takes these risks, there will always be people around, who might laugh, ridicule and judge, because what they see is not of this world, or familiar to them. We need not listen or pay attention to people that try to pull us back to the tribal thinking of ways of life, because we would never be free that way. We need to know our path and walk that path with love and forgiveness in our hearts and souls. Because everybody’s path is different, and one should only follow one’s own dream and life’s journey. “When tribal justice obstructs our spiritual advancement, we need to free ourselves from its authority over our individual power of choice. This challenge is one of the most difficult with first chakra because it often requires a physical separation from our family or from a group of people to which we have become bonded.” Caroline Myss – Anatomy of the Spirit. “We heal our hearts with rays of love and forgiveness, appreciating beauty within all things and most of all within ourselves, celebrating our existence by creating our own forms of beauty and illuminated by our soul’s light we become beautiful beings with great love in our hearts.” Nina Gabriel With this work I will try to explain all this with teachings of many mystics, alchemists, healers, teachers and more, as well as my own insights, poetry and meditations. “Rainbows are the same every time we looks at them. Our perception of them is, however different every time we see them and it is ever- changing, according to our mood, feelings and state of mind.” Nina Gabriel It represents the journey of a soul through life experiences and challenges. Recognizing one’s own path and challenges it took me through these amazingly colorful roads of seven colors – the colors of the rainbow. This has become the theme of my life as well as for my art, poetry and healing. In the final analysis it is about human alchemy, going through many transformations, trying to find the key, to our souls. At the same time learning many life lessons that were presented along very arduous path, but still very challenging and interesting one. It is about making the decision and taking the challenge to look beyond the rainbow, and then crossing the bridge, with total faith in divine, believing in what lies beyond is the “promised land” or an island where all the dreams are possible to manifest and live. Once awakened and stepped to cross the rainbow bridge there is no turning back, because what’s left behind is no more. Hence the path taken is the most magical one. “Somewhere ages and ages hence; Two roads diverges in the wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost Aquamarine Butterfly By Aquamarine waters of my Kingdom, Surrounded with splendor of treasures of my creations, In a hard shell of a Crab, I was sitting and contemplating on my Life’s Journey, One day, as the Golden rays of Sun touched the Earth, The silky threads of my cocoon passed through my heart, Thus illuminating my spirit, warming my body and soul. And as the night sky touched the Earth, by the Silver rays of the Moon I was transformed into a Butterfly, Keeping the color of my Kingdom of Aquamarine colors, I spread my wings as far as I could; two Golden threads connected me to Heaven from Earth leading my path. And as I was transformed into a butterfly and given the wings to fly, and fly I did, as far as I could see. On my paths I discovered many places and many souls, Some went along with me, some stayed behind to discover their own paths. My journey is not over yet, it seems that it has just began, once more, And this time around I plan to fly even further, spreading my wings far and wide, travel to different lands sharing the splendor of my creations and gifts with the whole world, Meeting the Souls that are transformed into butterflies as well, This way we may all spread our Sparkles of Love and Light, Illuminating the paths for the rest that plan to follow us, On our Soul’s path of the Life’s Journeys with Love and Light in our hearts. So you too, if you been transformed into a butterfly as well, Come and join us on our Flight to Freedom through Love, Because this way we can all create beautiful Heaven on Earth And in our hearts were it all began. Nina Gabriel It is all about 7: 7 stages of alchemy with 7 metals involved and 4 elements + 3 principles in alchemy as well, 7 ages of man, 7 Charkas, 7 Christian Sacraments- gifts of spirit, the 7 of 3+4 theological virtues and cardinal virtues, 7 levels of Kabbalah on The Tree of Life- 7 pillars of wisdom, 7 colors of the Rainbow, 7 circles of Universe, 7 cosmic stages, 7 stars of the Great Bear, 7days of the week, 7 heaves, 7 hells, 7 wonders of the ancient world, 7 rays of the sun, 7 rays in esoteric astrology, 7 music notes- 7 strings on Lyre, 7 steps of Buddha symbolize the ascent of the 7 cosmic stages transcending time and space, Pythagorean 7 is a cosmic number with 3 of heaven and 4 of the earth/world. Seven sacred truths of the body and spirit: 1. All Is One 2. Honor One Another 3. Honor Oneself 4. Love is Divine Power 5. Surrender Personal Will to Divine Will 6. Seek Only the Truth 7. Live in the Present Moment The Alchemy of human transformation though spiritual journey. I have observed that oftentimes the experiences that people go through in their lives, are almost the same or similar situations that they once wrongly judged about others, without understanding the impact or the gravity of the situation; and it seems that there is this little/big wizard inside of us making us go through the exact or similar situations or experiences, that we had passed our judgment on. It seems to be a kind of alchemy that people need to go through, a process of polishing the stone, becomes a diamond or gold that it was meant to be. Similarly, I have also observed, that at these times of outer and inner alchemy, no matter what we say or do to help the people around us or even ourselves, it looks like the situations that are being presented are there for greater purpose than we realize; and they are there for people to learn from those circumstances, becoming better human beings, this time more universally compassionate and more in tune with one’s own feelings, intuitions along with universal mind and guidance. But, once we feel that we have learned our lessons, we are suddenly presented with some of the similar lessons, maybe not as harsh as previous ones, but still life lessons to endure, just to test us if we have learned well, and if not, then we are given time to do so through the situations and experiences presented once more while being under watchful eye of our inner wizard and teacher. It depends on if we pass our tests, and if we do; only then the alchemy occurs, transformation happens. We recognize and understand the meaning of it all, or at least we try to do so. Then we are given the magic wand to become the magicians to only do good deeds to people all around the universe and us, recognizing our purpose. At that point the wizard and the magician become one, as they have always been, but hidden from us because of the our own veils of ignorance never recognized that all and everybody is connected to each other, and if one is hurt then we all are and vice versa. So, now we try our hardest to heal through love and forgiveness towards everybody and most of all ourselves. Journey of My Soul on The Tree of Life Last night I prayed to the Moon I asked The Question - Why? She took me to the Journey of Ten Roads. When I walked on the Greatness of my Mother Earth, To get to my Father’s Kingdom, My light was the bright Star of Splendor of my brother Grant, And when I wished upon all of my dreams and his desires, I met my Three Guides and Teachers from the past, And far away places, giving me the bouquet of Flowers of Life, Where I found the Beauty of Wisdom, Power and the Glory and I bowed before them. Then I met with my five loves where I had to part with for the last time; Receiving a rose from each of them, they went their own ways until we meet again in Our next lifetimes, and I knew then that Love is all there is, but not always was, Then I heard the harmonies of the Seven Spheres playing the music of my soul When I was reminded of the pain and suffering, joy and happiness, and other tunes of my life. Now that my paths were clear, I smiled, but tears came down my cheeks, When I understood it all, I also felt kisses on my forehead And I knew that they could only come from Goodness of my God Bearer to whom I owe this all My DA” AT my Dedo. This morning I greet the Sun reflecting rays of Wisdom and Knowledge, Upon my heart and soul with the Vision of Victory on the bright Rainbow of today. Nina Gabriel The Grand Quintile - #5 is of transmutation and transformation, allowing freedom from lower three-dimensional form, from being eternally in cyclic square of time. Five twists from horizontal plane of the temporal world to become a spinning dance. Five is life itself, evolving, growing, to become the flower that life is. Five is quintessence – the nucleus from which the spiral of life unfolds. Five and Phi build and permeate the spiral of life. Phi is seed in all that is alive – from sunflower to the human flower to spinning solar system. Five is a symbol of human microcosm. The number of Human form – the pentagon when arms and legs are out stretched. The pentagon is endless – sharing the symbolism of perfection and power of the cycle. Five is circular number as it produces itself in its last digit when raised to its own power. The pentacle, like the circle symbolizes whole, the quincunx being the number of its center and meeting the point of Heaven, Earth and the four cardinal points plus center point. Five is also representative of Godhead – Central Creator of the four fours plus itself equaling five. Five is the marriage of the Hieros Gamos as combination of feminine and the masculine. Feminine being even, as 2 in frequency and masculine being odd as 3 in frequency = 5. The number five symbolizes meditation, religion and versatility. It represents the five senses (taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing) everywhere except in the East. In the East there are six – the extra being Mind. We find meaning of five in the five petaled flowers, five pointed leaves – especially the Rose, lily, vine all of which represent the microcosm. Five progresses from 4, but from 4’s perspective, 5 lies above. Five creates a quincunx, emblem of applied evolutionary creative force, the phoenix rising from the temporal world, or a 4-sided pyramid, emblem of the sentient individual seeking attainment through the initiatory fire in the tides of incarnate life. Five lifts 2’s relationship from its dance of opposites in 4’s perpetual round in the temporal bounds of the lower quaternary world. Five twists from horizontal plane of the temporal world to become a spinning dance. Five lead to Phi, the golden proportion/ratio/relationship. Five and Phi build and permeate, the spiral of life. Phi molds the temporal forces of life into their majestic beauty. Through the Eye of Phi is how we find the way between the spaces, through the forces of polarity in dualistic world of space and time. Phi is unconditional acceptance of all experience, holding no resistance, and passing no judgment, seeing only beauty to become equality but of perfection – the harmonious path (proportion) of love and compassion. Phi is 5 plus Love (1) divided by the relationship of 2; thus Phi is the way, the answer for two – a twin –flamed soul from its cycle of growth in space and time to its destined evolutionary freedom in the Divine Union of 2 spiraled into radiant light. Five is the middle number, the creative of 1 transforming itself to become 10 – the means to become whole once again. Begetting 10 from 2, 5 makes ascension possible for durative soul from the bounds of temporal 4, from the rounds in the cycle of the incarnate world. Five is the number of incarnate world. Five is the number of incarnate human – the “number of man” – and Phi holds the transcendent secret hidden in human’s heart: the path of compassion, the only way to true freedom. Five embodies 2 and 3. The ratio 3:2 is musical Fifth – revealing that 2, holding sight in perfection of trinity, beyond judgment of 2’s duality; can transcend the tempest of temporal 4. Tree’s assertion “let thine eye be single” is statement to release all judgment of 2’s duality; to see the unity beyond duality. Until this is done, one is trapped 4-ever in reincarnational time. One can do this only as 5, while temporally alive as incarnate wo/man. Five is also the hypotenuse to the 3-4-5 right –angled triangle, and so 5 is solution to what has been before, the way to rise from 4’s temporal time square. “Some men will never catch a butterfly, while others live surrounded by them and their beauty. Why? Because they dare.” Nina Gabriel Five corresponds to Fifth Chakra – The Power of Will – embodies the challenges of surrendering our own willpower and spirits to the will of God. From spiritual perspective, our heist goal is the full release of our personal will into the “hands of the Divine.” Location: The Throat. Color: Blue (see more detailed explanation of charkas for their, locations, meaning and more – under CHAKRAS. Symbolic/perceptual connection and challenge of Willpower chakra is to progress through the maturation of will: from the tribal perception that everyone and everything around you has authority over you; through the perception that you alone have authority over you; to the final perception, that true authority comes from aligning yourself to God’s Will. The essence of fifth chakra is faith. The Sacred Heptagon #7 is begotten by none nor begetting any other, is stationary and directionless, and so 7 is ever-present and omniscient. Unique unto itself and aloof, 7 is pinnacle, of high spiritual realm. Both 5 and 7 are un-begotten and therefore sacred. Overseeing and ever embracing, 7 is the complementary transcendent prime of the 5 of man. Understanding the forces of 5’s initiatory rite, 7, of the king-dome, provides guiding wisdom for 5’s incarnate man, Seven is the capstone to sacred 5, the arisen spirit of incarnate man-the body of light, the gateway for man to return to God. Seven, is cardinal, sanctified, magic, a blessing, a bestowal, a gift, fortune, luck, serendipity, and fulfillment-all found in the stillness of being. Seven is angelic, of heaven’s music in light, color and sound. Seven links, unites, and entirely transcends spatial form and temporal time. Seven is space less and lives in forever time. Although 7 is sought, 7 seeks not. Seven embraces all other numbers unconditionally – what was and especially, 7 kisses 8 which always returns to 7’s love. Seven is sanctified, destined, spiritual, 7 is Universal Love. Seven is special, 7 is the crown or sacred number, exalted above all other numbers. In all cultures, myths and legends seven represents: completeness and totality, macrocosm, perfection, plenty, reintegration, rest, security, safety, synthesis. *References: Lunar Planer –Nick Anthony Fiorenza * by Ellie Crystal * Anatomy of the Spirit – Caroline Myss

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