by Nina Gabriel

Artwork Description


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Mixed Media – Home Décor 16” x 20” 40.5 cm x 51 cm Framed 19 ½” x 23 ½” 49.5 cm x 59.5 cm August 2004 Exhibited at Biennale of Contemporary Arts- Florence, Italy – December 2005 Art Fest Florence, Italy – April 2006/ Catalog/ Exhibited at Mkrtchyan Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 2013 Collage/Assemblage/Handmade Papers/Victorian Silk flowers/Metal/Wood sticks/Lace/Mesh fabric/Crystals Swarovski and Emerald/Clay/Music Scores on Fabric/Found objects/Decorative threads/Acrylics/Pearl Ex pigments/Glitter The Path of the Soul This collage represents The Lunar Month of August 16, 2004 – September 14, 2004. Prior to reading and studying this material; The Lunar theme for August 16, 2004 New Moon. I had I dream, where I was playing the piano (which I used to play, when I was younger), but this time I was also printing the music scores of my own symphony that I was creating. Additionally, I had a vision of my face on the Golden Spiral –Spiral of Life, which I incorporated in this collage as well. As Nick Anthony Fiorenza writes: “Astronomical Myth is a picture language” imagery that articulates the qualities of cosmic intelligence expressing throughout the greater heavens and through our lives. We are not separate from the greater heavens, from the stars and planets around us, or from our beloved Earth, but we are intimate parts of this dynamic, continually unfolding heavenly symphony.” Planets and constellations from top to bottom are: New Moon, Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo, Aries, Taurus, Aquarius. Integrating the signs and symbols in this collage represent connection to the greater cosmic energies infusing into the Earth and ourselves; integration of the Intelligence that is responsible for our spiritual awakening, supporting the manifestations of our Devine Destiny. Like a musical score, this celestial enfoldment provides the currents that underlie and guide our participation in life’s greater evolutionary symphony. “The stars would not be in the heavens if we were meant to walk in darkness.” Nick Anthony Fiorenza – Lunar Planner The incorporation of a ladder representing the bridge between Heaven and Earth, our own soul’s journey through love and awakening working and healing with seven chakras and seven colors of the Rainbow creating our own infinity. “As the atomic mode of hydrogen is re-tuned, the DNA molecule begins to super-conduct consciousness. When this fully occurs, the DNA illuminates into radiant spiral of light, which is the DNA’s intended functional mode. We no longer experience a world of shadow and reflection but one radiant light.” Yin Yang – Feminine Masculine – Earth Water- Integration of two energies in the cycle of life, creating balance. Lady Bug stands for Good Luck. Leopard – associated with lunar energies, Leopard the power of silence and speaking with power. Leopard observes the situation with clear perceptiveness, Leopard represents keen intuitive abilities, they are masters at navigating any environment gracefully and efficiently leaping over obstacles; this aspect also assists one in grace and dance… The lesson of Leopard spirit is Self Reliance. Keywords are: Perceptive, balance, Power of silence, mystery and psychic. Esoteric Astrology: The Sun is the source of physical consciousness – the self – I – and serves to sensitize and activate the self in relation to its environment. The Heart of the Sun stimulates and enlivens Soul awareness. Within the brilliant clear light of the Sun. The silver light of the Moon reflects the ground of lunar energy – the undifferentiated feminine prior to manifestation with her powers of fertilization and transformation. Arising from the center is Venus Aphrodite, core essence of the feminine nature in her manifest form. Through her powers of divine beauty and magnetic desirability as love, she awakens the impulse to life. Venus functions to turn knowledge into Wisdom. On the Soul level, Venus is the vehicle for the emergence of this Love Principle of Life, through the focused will of the Mind of god. Mars – ruler of the desire nature. Mars stimulates physical vitality through its association with the bloodstream. Mars is associated with the solar plexus center, the source of astral – desire body of the personality, and is thus thoroughly linked with passions of five senses. Jupiter’s primary purpose is one of fusion. It is instrumental in blending the lesser dualities of head and heart, mind and love, in order to produce Wisdom. It is the primary focus for the energies of Love/Wisdom, and acts as a vehicle through which the Ray of consciousness may externalize the Devine Plan in our solar system. It therefore works to create the ultimate synthesis in order to exteriorize universal harmony and abundance. Mercury occupies a most important position in our lives and in esoteric astrology. It is Mercury, representing the Mind, which acts as the – illuminating principle – of human life. It is ultimately connected with that function of human intelligence, which separates mankind from animal kingdom. It is Mind, which allows humanity to be a conscious conduit for the down pouring of energies from higher realms (notably from the source of intuition). In this sense, Mercury is truly the – Messenger of the Gods. Pluto is extremely important in the lives of those of us who are undergoing the process of fusion of the Soul and personality. It represents that process which breaks down the sense of selfishness and separates of the lesser ego/personality, so that our little, personal will becomes the Will –to-Good of the realized Soul self. It is a purifying energy, which, in its external mode of expression leads to the disintegration of form so that the Spirit of man may triumph. Pluto is instrument for the development of the Spiritual Will. This comes about through the trials and tests on the Path of Discipleship. In order for the energies of Uranus to express themselves in a conscious way in a person’s life, he must pass through Saturn’s Door. This means that he has created an integrated personality, linked with the soul force, and is thus a spiritually responsible individual. Once the crossover has been made, the energy of Uranus begins to flood the consciousness and affect the conditions of one’s outer life. Some of the effects of this Uranian transmutation may be outlined as follows: * Heightens the Intuition. Quickens the urge to change the established order. *Stimulates the aspiration to better the human condition. *Fosters the individual activity within the group context. Neptune is a most mystical and, from the level of the soul, a most beneficial influence in one’s life. Neptune is the expression in the solar system of the –Heart of the spiritual Sun-. It is the planet most closely linked with the work of the Soul. Through Cancer, Neptune may be thought of as the higher octave of the Moon. The latter is the Mother of All Forms, but form is always used in our solar system to express Love/Wisdom, the Soul aspect of the Spirit. The goal of life on Earth is to become an Initiate, and unfold that aspect of the Christ Consciousness, which dwells within each of us. The form of that expression differs from person to person, relative to the nature of individual dharma and karma, but the –essential – Love/Wisdom of that unfolding consciousness is the same for us all. This is our unifying link. Sagittarius and Capricorn, sign of the initiate, are linked through association of the Earth and Saturn, and provide us with yet another insight into the importance of the experience gained through life on this planet. Chakras – The Crown chakra is the most important from the perspective of the soul, as it is in its point of –entry and exist-. When the Crown chakra is fully open and operative an individual is said to be awakened to the Soul’s reality, and processes resulting in a Soul-infused personality have been accomplished. Thus the –thread of consciousness- the pathway of the Soul into the personality – is focused in the region of the pineal gland. It is through the line of Will/Power that the Soul is able to regulate physical plane activities through the nervous system and the brain. The thread of life is anchored in the heart, as it is there that the Sun rules in terms of Life of Divinity of our solar system. The life force in the individual is distributed in the physical organism through the circulation of the blood. As the expansion and development of consciousness takes place and the link between the Higher and lower selves occurs, the unfolding of one’s personal evolutionary direction manifests. An individual then finds that there is a definite re-orientation to his or her life direction. This occurs simultaneously with the increased activation of the various chakric centers. 1. Survival in the material world – root chakra (instinctive intelligence) 2. Survival of the species through the expression of personal desire –sacral chakra (instinctive sexuality) 3. Survival through the power of expression of personal emotions – solar plexus chakra (instinctive territorial dominance) The individual who is soul centering would find the following changes taking place in his/her life: The values, needs and desires of this lower self would begin to give way to sensing of higher, more inclusive, and less personality focused values, needs and desires. The center of the personal will, located in the root chakra, becomes magnetized and is –drawn under- the influence of the center of the spiritual will located in the crown chakra. * The energies of the sacral center likewise come under the control of the throat center. The Third Eye (brow center) begins to open and the combination of the energies of the throat and the brow gives rise to a tremendous creative potential. * As the heart center awakens, it draws the energy of the solar plexus to it. This eliminates the tremendous confusion that many have about their ways of living. If the solar plexus is functioning and the heart is closed, one is likely to interpret personal and emotional needs and lust as love. When the heart center has opened and the energies of the solar plexus have become integrated within it, then one becomes the vehicle for the cohesive, healing and uplifting joy which is at Loves core. This Love may also be expressed while making love. When the four centers are opened and one has become soul-centered, the focus of existence moves from survival to life: • Life as expressed through Love – heart chakra ( true Consciousness) • Life as expressed through creative Activity – throat chakra (true Intelligence) • Life as expressed through Perception of Reality – brow chakra (true Spiritual Awakening) • Life as expressed through Identification – crown chakra (true Spiritual Will). Those who quest for truth through the Alchemy of Time and consciousness – are modern – day Alchemists. They seek truth and ancient wisdom brought forth in today’s reality through the language of symbols to come manifest into conscious thought. We are going through the alchemy of time and consciousness – as we return to our natural state of light. We are currently going through a merge on many levels of body, mind and soul. This linked to the ancient teachings of alchemy as a transformation from one reality to another where one find s ‘eternal life’. The Alchemist is the Wizard – He who helps us transform. Part of this alchemical experience links with seeing double digits such as 11:11, which trigger this change in our DNA cellular coding. 11 is the double helix – activation of DNA- evolution of consciousness. Ancient alchemists searched for Philosophers Stone and the Water of Life. Gold is a metaphor for alchemy of consciousness through time. Gold is linked with blood – creation – the flow of the continuum. Eventually the Philosopher’s Stone was thought to signify the force behind the evolution of life and the universal binding power, which unites minds and souls in a human Oneness. Finally, it represented the purity and sanctity of the highest realm of pure thought and altruistic existence. The Philosopher’s Stone, Gold – are all the same – that which contain the knowledge of creation – a symbol that represents the final outcome of man’s inner transformation, of the conversion of the base metal of his outer character to the golden properties of his higher self through the Alchemy of Time and Consciousness. ~.~ “The ones that have understood their calling and the meaning of infinity shall live a life of happiness going through continuous transformation through their thoughts and creating their own infinity.” Anastacia

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