J. F. Bautista

J. F. Bautista

About The Artist

- Architect by trade, I design buildings in different categories: Assembly (Group A), Business (Group B), Educational (Group E), Factory (Group F), High-Hazard (Group H), Institutional (Group I), Mercantile (Group M), Residential (Group R), Storage (Group S). - As an Artist I give shape (Building Envelope) to the buildings to come. https://www.artbybautista.com Art Exhibits 2019 LICARTSOPEN - The Factory Fall Salon (Art Exhibit) 2019 LICARTSOPEN - 10"x10" Silent Auction Art Show 2019 LIC-Artists Off The Wall (Post Cards Art Exhibit 2019 LICA Fear Part III (Art Exhibit) 2019 NYC Art by Architects (Second Annual Show) 2019 UNBRIDLED Fine Art by Architects (Curated by J. F. Bautista) 2019 Urban Dance (Photography Exhibit) 2018-2019 Off The Wall (art Exhibit) 2018 Fall Salon 2018 - The Plaxall Gallery 2018 LIC-A Fear Returns (Art Exhibit) 2018 Unnatural Selection (Art Exhibit) 2018 Fever: An exhibition highlighting global climate change 2018 From Minuscule to Monumental (Art Exhibit) 2018 LICA-Summer Postcards Show 2018 Showcase 2018 2018 Escape Velocity 2018 CREATURE 2018 HEAD 2018 EXPOSURE 2018 LIC-A@ATLANTIC:2018 2017 LIC-Artists "Art From The City's Heart" (Art Exhibit) 2017 LIC-Artists LIC-Fear "Gargoyles" (Art Exhibit) 2017 LIC-Artists "Making Connections" (Art Exhibit) 2017 LIC-Artists "Garden of Earthly Delights" (Art Exhibit) 2017 LIC-Artists "Walk with Light" (Art Exhibit) 2009 BRAZIL, MUNDIART (Art Exhibit) 2009 Brooklyn Art Project (Art Exhibit) 2008 USA, MetroXpress New York, NY (Exhibit) 2008 USA, Look At Life Gallery (Art Exhibit) Author's Bookstore ©2018 Art by Bautista ©2017 Gargoyles, Goblins, Ghouls, Zombies and Vampires ©2016 Dark Second edition ©2016 Ghost Architecture ©2015 Utopian Architecture ©2015 Urban Explorer ©2015 3:19:2003-3:19:2013 ©2014 Architectural Hallucinations ©2014 Empty Architecture ©2014 Architecture of Subterranean Species ©2013 Architecture in Black and White ©2013 Architecture of Social Organisms ©2012 Reverse Engineering ©2011 Dark ©2010 vag-a-bond ©2010 J. F. Bautista Architecture ©2010 Organic Mutant Architecture