Lucille Dweck

Lucille Dweck

About The Artist

I paint natural scenes, mostly scenes with water. I tend not to include anything from the contemporary world because I want to talk about the magical, spiritual aspect of being immersed in nature. I feel through that connection to stillness, there lies a path to our own potential for fulfilment. I grew up in a misogynistic era as a woman and therefore struggled with being heard and understood. I choose to paint as way of expressing, giving value and understanding my thoughts. What began as a quest for self knowledge became a desire to know what unites people. My paintings talk about an inner stillness, about letting go, when introspection meets immersion in nature, creating a moment of illumination. I am particularly intrigued with light and reflections and use them in the paintings as a metaphor for ideas, thoughts and nurturing. Although the paintings are very figurative I never want to deny the materiality of the paint and brushstrokes. The marks, colours and strokes assert their truth at the same time as creating the scenes. Painting light, water, figures, symbols and the natural world using densely knitted marks I paint canvases that invite you to enjoy natures beauty while immersing you in the mood of the moment. These are personal moments. Moments free of self consciousness and boundaries. There is usually a solitary figure there as a motif for the viewer to relate to. These are not epic paintings.