Ben Mollner

Ben Mollner

About The Artist

Ben grew up in Colorado where he adopted design through his love of music, initially designing album covers for homemade mix tapes. While heavily influenced by music, he began making artwork independently of the album covers he started with and began creating stand-alone designs. After spending some time on the west coast, Ben started adapting his digital design work into paint and canvas, and has since launched his self-designed website with a portfolio to include over 60 large scale paintings, various print media, skateboards, and an ever expanding collection of artwork. Ben has no formal art training and does not consider art to be a “career,” but more of a project that he is passionate about. Secondary to his artwork, Ben has since become a practicing dentist, and worries of a true "occupation" getting in the way of doing the artwork he loves have given way to a new realization that an income separate from art has endowed him with incredible freedom to do the work which he loves best. Ben feels that the separation from art as a means of income and his lack of training is critical to keeping his work true to his own nature and musings, with no pressure or outside influence other than what comes passively. Ben is an artist member at Artwork Network of Denver, CO at Gawker Artists, Turning Art, and online commission work through EveryArt Selected Exhibitions “The Zero Expert” solo exhibition Artwork Network Gallery Denver, CO, 2010 “Machines Of Loving Grace” solo exhibition Artwork Network Gallery Denver, CO, 2009 “Slowing The Speeding Bullet” debut solo exhibition. SPACE Gallery Denver, CO, 2008 Education University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine , University of San Diego, San Diego, CA,