tamburini barbara

tamburini barbara

About The Artist

Decorative artist prof. Barbara Tamburini runs Barbaradecors Studio based in Arco since 1999. She also works as a teacher at the "Istituto Superiore Sacro Cuore" in Trento . She teaches Drawing, Graphic and History of Art. In 1998 she graduated in the Accademia di Belle Arti "G.B. Cignaroli" in Verona with full marks and honours. She took part in many national and international exhibitions such as the Expo Hannover 2000 in the Italian Euregio Hall. She is specialized in many different decorative techniques like fresco, trompe l'oeil, smalto and ceramic mosaics with beautiful results. In 2003 Barbara made a fountain of 400 square meters in mosaic with the "trencadis" technique for the new urban park of Borgo Valsugana (Trento) ordered by the Servizio Ripristino ambientale of Trento . In the same year she was the first and unique Italian artist to take part in the decoration work of the Sagrada Famiglia in Barcellona ( Spain ).