About The Artist

Susan enjoys all aspects of art and enjoys creating it. She appreciates beauty and seeks it out, always searching for it through her eyes, through her lens and through her brush onto paper or canvas she shares her compositions and creations. Susan's response is to try to the best of her ability to present what she sees in nature and beauty in a truthful way, in a realistic style. Trying to mirror what God has already created, so those who wish to can possess an interpretation of what He has so perfectly created. One of Susan's gift's is the ability to compose a pleasing design. Like a musician she finds the best arrangement of subjects to interest the viewer and draw them into the scene, sing the song with colors and hopefully leave with a new awareness or discover something forgotten. As part of Susan's civic and cultural activities she teaches people about their own ability to create art. Teaching in nursing homes and teaching classes to students from 5 years old to 87 years old. Teaching people about art is every bit as satisfying as painting her own paintings. Susan says it is even more exciting to see one of her students have a "Eureka Moment", she says she finds herself as happy or even happier than they are. Susan has been quoted as saying, "I paint because I must, I teach because I love to share knowledge and give a hand up to someone who wants to learn. Painting is my passion, teaching is my mission.