About The Artist

Gail Cooper is a San Francisco Bay Area interdisciplinary artist, music medium and student of the paranormal who mines photographic and filmic rifts to explore her own subtle shifts in perception from the mundane to the phenomenological. Using low fidelity images as reference material, she aims to show how the ways of knowing and seeing can be distorted and, instead, evoke a somatic response. She is an actor, singer, deep listener, amateur ghost hunter and an unofficial student in the field of Xenolinguistics. She received her BFA in Painting from San Francisco Art Institute in 2015, studied Painting in Ireland and Paris in 2014 and has received a MFA in Studio Art from Mills College in 2017. Her work has been shown in galleries in Ballyvaughan, Ireland, Paris, France and San Francisco, CA. Most notably she has displayed her work in the Start Up Art Fair, Mill Valley Art Fair and, the internationally acclaimed, Sausalito Art Festival in 2019.