by Florin Coman

Artwork Description


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We thought that it will amaze everyone knowning that there is more pare parts of the story as i continue making a series of artwork of the same category "feelings" though it will be difficult and tricky as both of them have to be similar in colouring , effect , symmetrically even and the most important the impression , feeling and thoughts of a person looking at them right next to eachother should the same or even identical. My vision for this series of unique artworks of my project was whomever looks at each masterpiece one after the other should be evenly impressed , mesmorized and thoughtful as though with each painting i 'm telling a story of me , my life and every thought or feeling i had through everything i go through each day so they can understand , relate and be inspired as every painting is a piece of the artist soul and heart to which they tell their own unique story trying to communicate through colours, fiqures objects or anything else possible as words sometimes can't because sometimes words aren't enough to get through to the world with a story or a massage . As you can see the top part of the painting i has bright and light coulours to which indicate the good parts of the day, week , month or the year for some whereas on the buttom more dark colours which indicate the hard parts and inbetween a mixure of light and dark colours which gives the massage to the world that no matter what there's always going to be a mixture of bad and good days but what we should do is never give up , dream in colour (dark or light) , let the bad days be a lesson to be learned and the good days a movement of moving somewhere in this world but no matter what keep moving forward towards your goals of life and enjoy the way whatever is in it . In the end it worked perfectly and i'm very proud as both in there own way are extraordinary, catchy, impressive, unique and breathtaking . It gives me a joyful feeling knowing that each one is as great as the one before , people leaving great impressions and comments for each one individually as there are all unique but similar and different for me at the same time , and knowing that there are recognised and remembered as something amusing but also outstanding that i have created makes me feel that i am towards my goals as an artist and that people after i leave this world will remember my name, i am achiving the right thing in giving the right massage to the world and letting unknown yet artists to be inspired to do the same as me long after my time. This is only the beginning for this series so keep in touch for there is more great artwork following this specific project. This work is a unique original work of art - Painting by Florin Coman (Cyprus), Oil on Canvas. The work has a square shape, Its dimensions are 77x100x3 cm. The artist's signature is present on the artwork. Framing options are available for this artwork, please contact us for details.

Artwork Details

