Sushila Oliphant

Sushila Oliphant

About The Artist

Nature and spiritual themes are my favorite subjects and give me a sense of calm and peace. I love to paint in the pointillistic style. It is very hypnotic and meditative putting all those dots down. The images only make clearer sense from a distance… sort of like life’s teachings. I also work in pen and ink, pastels, colored pencils, graphite, watercolor, collages, acrylics on found wood and digital photography with Photoshop. I have won several awards in various art shows in Maine, Colorado, Merida, Mexico and Florida and several international online shows. When I am finished with a piece, I am just as surprised at the results as anyone else. It is my joy and gratitude to be able to create! Painting is my life's mission and passion - whether I have an audience or not.