Ecaterina Neagu

Ecaterina Neagu

About The Artist

ECATERINA NEAGU Visual artist Graduated the Academy of Fine Arts (1974),Timisoara Master of Arts - the Academy of Fine Arts(2002),Timisoara Member of the Fine Arts Union of Romania (since 2002) Member of Fine Arts Union of Hungaria (since 2014) Latest exhibitions (selection) 2020 International Exhibition of Contemporary Art LART SUR LA VAGUE, Gallery Art Ruse, Bulgaria 2020 Tenth International Printmaking for Peace, Mexico 2020 WorldWide Prints Project, Italia 2019 National Exhibition of Art, Art Museum, Timisoara 2019 International Biennial of Small Etching Graphium, Timisoara, fifth edition 2019 "Gabriel Popescu" National Engraving Biennial 2019 2019 The 37th ASROPA International Art Exhibition in Gunsan Art Center(1st Exhibition Oct.24.~26. 2019 Gunsan Convention Center; 2019 Exhibition Oct.30.~n0v.30 2019. Gunsan Modern History Museum; 2019 Exhibition Dec.01.~10. 2019 Gunsan Art Center 2019 International Exhibition Salons of Moldova, XXIX edition, Bacau, Chisinau 2019 National Small Plastic Salon, XX edition, Braila Art Gallery, 2019 Interethnic Camp of Contemporary Art - Exhibition, Aiud 2018, second edition, Suceava History Museum, Sibiu German Democratic Forum 2019 The International Mail Art Exhibition „ROOTS”, Inter-Art Gallery, Aiud 2019 2019 International Exhibition Little Prince, TREE- SYMBOL, Satu Mare Museum of Art, 2019 The International Mail Art Exhibition „ROOTS”, Inter-Art Gallery, Aiud 2019 2019 Exhibition of "Inter-Art" International Artcamp 2019, Inter- Art Gallery, Aiud 2019 “DIMENSIONS “-Exhibition of Association of Hungarian Artists , Hungary's Annual Art Show, REOK Hall, Szeged, 2019 Exhibition of the International Art Camp 2019, Buzias 2019 Banat Hungarian Days, ed. XXIV – “WASTE REINTERPRETATION”, Art Gallery of the City Hall, Timisoara; 2019 „Apollo” International Poster Exhibition „Apollo”,IIIrd edition (II PRIZE) 2018 Multicultural Identities - Union National Museum, Alba-Iulia. 2018 The International Biennial of Miniatural Art Timişoara, Mansarda Gallery, Faculty of Arts and Design 2018 International Small Graphics Biennial 2018, Inter-Art Galleries, Aiud. 2018 Group exhibition - Helios Gallery, Timişoara 2018 Exhibition of the Inter-Ethnic Camp of Contemporary Art, second edition, Inter-Art Galleries, Aiud. 2018 Interethnic Camp of Contemporary Art - Exhibition, Aiud 2018, second edition, Tulcea Art Galleries. 2018 Exhibition of the Creation Camp - Rotary-Buziaş Hotel Check Inn, Timişoara 2018 Exhibition of Timisoara Artists “FINGERPRINTS”- Patria Hall, Brasov Philharmonic Gallery 2018 National Salon of Small Plastic, Art Gallery – Braila 2018 JELENLÉT - Erdélyi Művészeti Központ, Sepsiszentgyörgy 2018 Existence in art - exhibition and book launch - Helios Gallery, Timisoara 2018 International Biennial of Miniature Art, ed. XIX, Mansarda Gallery, Timisoara 2018 Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics „Inter-Art_ 2018, Aiud 2018 International Exhibition of mail-art, Aiud 2018 PAVONE- splendore from vitta, "Constantino Barbella" Art Museum Chieti, Italy 2018 International Exhibition Salons of Moldova, ed. XXVIII, Bacău – Chisinau 2018 National Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Centenary 2018, National Museum of Art, Bucharest 2018 Images of Diversity, 2nd edition, National Museum Cotroceni, Bucharest. 2017 Images of Diversity, 2nd edition, National Museum Cotroceni, Bucharest. 2017 WOMEN'S COLOR AND PERFUME, MISCA Medical Center, (solo exhibition) Timisoara 2017 The dance and music on Visual Arts- Administrative Palace 2017 BÁNSÁGI MAGYAR NAPOK XXII, DUALITÁS - Helios Timișoara Art Gallery 2017 Buds and petals - Helios Art Gallery, Timișoara 2017 International Salon of Visual Arts Teachers, Helios Art Gallery, Timișoara 2017 The gifts of spring, Helios Art Gallery, Timisoara 2017 Identities of Timişoara Administrative Palace, Timişoara. - Timişoara - the outpost of progress and prosperity - Helios Gallery, Timişoara. 2016 BÁNSÁGI MAGYAR NAPOK XXI VALÓSÁG ES ILLÚZIÓ, Art Gallery Helios, 2016 TEMESVÁRI MAGYAR KÉPZŐMŰVÉSZEK - SZAB, Szeged, Hungary 2016 Anniversary Exhibition - Timisoara released - City Hall Gallery 2015 The Visual Arts Salon 2014, Art Museum, Timisoara. 2015 The gifts of spring- Helios Gallery, Timisoara. 2015 “Hypotheses of the landscape” (solo exhibition ) Pro Arte Gallery, Lugoj 2015 "Contrast and color harmony '(solo exhibition),Pro Arte, Lugoj, Timis 2015 Visual Art Exhibition of Teachers , Art Gallery Helios Timisoara 2015 Exhibition anual- Pro Arts Gallery , Lugoj 2015 Harmonie- , Mank Gallery , Szentendre , HU 2015 “Inheritance”- Days Hungarian Banat , ed .XX, Helios Gallery , Timisoara, 2015 “ From the capital in the European royal residence” , Helios Gallery ,Timisoara 2015 The Bell” - Administrative Palace , Timisoara 2015 The gift Helios Gallery, Timisoara 2014 CONTRAST AND HARMONY II, Art Gallery Pintea, Vienna, Austria 2014 "Contrast and color harmony '(solo exhibition), Szeged, Hungary 2014 "Contrast and color harmony '(solo exhibition) Pygmalion Art Gallery, House ofArts, Timisoara 2014 “Presence”- Hungarian artists Timişeni exhibition ART IX-XI Art Gallery,Budapest, Hungary 2014 “Dance” - Hungarian artists Timişeni exhibition, Art Gallery Helios, Timisoara; 2013 Annual Exhibition of professional artists, the Museum of Art Timisoara 2013 Visual Arts Showroom, Museum of Art Timisoara 2013 “Identity Hungarian artists Timisoara,Art Gallery Helios, Timisoara 2013 “Identity II” Hungarian artists Timisoara exhibition in Szeged, Hungary 2013 Visual Art Showroom, art teachers of Timisoara, ed. VIII, Art Gallery Helios, Timişoara 2013 “Gift” - UAP members exhibition at Art Gallery Helios, Timişoara 2012 Hungarian Days of Banat, ed. XVII, Art Gallery Helios, Timisoara 2012 Visual Arts Showroom, Museum of Art Timisoara 2011 "Come with me in birch forest", Museum of Art Timisoara 2011 Hungarian Days of Banat, ed.XVI, Art Gallery Helios, Timişoara 2011 "Accents, impressions, feelings” – Art teachers of the School of Art, Art Gallery Helios, Timişoara 2011 "The Bee - symbol of diligence, efficiency and savings" Administrative Palace, Timisoara 2011 "Presence" - Timisoara Hungarian Painters Exhibition, Central European Cultural Institute, Budapest, Hungary 2010 Timisoara- a sketch through time( solo exhibition), Administrative Palace, Timisoara 2010 Art exhibition, Pro Arte Gallery, Lugoj 2009 Visual Art Showrom, Museum of Art Timisoara 2009 "20 years of the Romanian Revolution - commemorated by artists Timisoara", Art Gallery Helios, Timisoara, Budapest, Hungary 2009 "The absurd in art," Art Gallery Helios, Timisoara; Szeged, Budapest, Hungary 2009 "La Vuelta del Arte" - Cervera del Maestro, Spain 2009 "Contemporary Art en Europe" Art Museum Benicarlo, Spain 2009 "Five Romanian artists" Art Gallery Lichthof ", Cologne, Germany 2009 Visual Arts Showroom, Baroque Palace, Timisoara (RO) 2008 Visual Arts Showroom, Lugoj (RO) 2007 Exhibition of fine art teachers, School Ion vidual Timisoara 2007 Visual Arts Showroom , Administrative Palace Timisoara 2007 The Exhibitions of the 12 "imago mundi" Helios Art Gallery , Timisoara 2007 "The path, trace, progress", Adiministrative Palace, Timisoara 2007 Landscape Structures' (solo exhibition) Angels Art Gallery, Turnu Severin 2007 "In the distance" (solo exhibition), Iulius Mall Timisoara 2007 Solo exhibition, Salon Vienna, Hotel Timisoara 2007 Visual Arts Showroom, Pro Arte Gallery, Lugoj (RO) 2006 Days of Timisoara - virtual exhibition, Union Square Timisoara 2006 "Landscape Structures', Art Gallery Helios, Timisoara (solo exhibition) 2006 “Landscape structure”, Timisoara City Hall (solo exhibition) 2005 "Scene" - painting exhibition of UAP, 150 years since the establishment of the theater in Timisoara 2005 “Ïcons”, solo exhibition , Iulius Mall, Timisoara 2005 Solo exhibition, Reghina Blue Hotel, Timişoara. 2005 Visual Arts Showroom, Pro Arte Gallery, Lugoj 2005 Orthodox icons (solo exhibition), Village Museum, Timisoara 2005 Annual Exhibition of professional artists, Banat Museum, Timisoara 2004 "LIGHT - exhibition of professional artists Timişeni" Szeged (Hungary) 2004 "LIGHT-physical phenomenon, reason and artistic symbol" exhibition of professional artists Timişeni - Banat Museum, Marble Salon (Timisoara) 2004 Visual Art Showroom, Art Museum, Timisoara 2004 “Aquarium” (solo exhibition) - Helios Art Gallery, Timişoara 2004 The states remoteness (solo exhibition) - Pro Arte Gallery, Lugoj 2003 Visual Art Showroom - Museum of Art, Timisoara 2003 Painting, Graphics (solo exhibition) - Pro Arte Gallery, Lugoj, 2003 Exhibition of paintings - Kunstgallery Rastatt, Germany 2003 Art Exhibition of Professional Artists at Winter Holidays - Helios Gallery (Timişoara). 2002 Religious Painting (solo exhibition) - Gallery Pro Armia, Timişoara 2002 Paintings (solo exhibition) - Revolution Memorial Museum, Timisoara 2002 Religious Paintings (solo exhibition) - Orthodox Cathedral Museum, Timisoara 2002 Visual Art Showroom, Museum of Art, Timisoara 2001 Art Teacher Exhibition, Pro Arte Gallery, Lugoj, 2001 Visual Arts Exhibition of the Professional Artists from Timişoara, Art Museum, Timisoara. 2000 Art Salon 2000, Visual Arts Exhibition, Helios Art Gallery - Timişoara. Creation camps: Lesencetomaj (Hungary); Stopped in the plain - Padureni; Calacea, Buzias; Interethnic Camp, 2nd edition, International Camp, XXIV edition, Aiud Art Works in State and Private or Personal Art Collections: Switzerland, France, Germany(Rastatt), Ireland, Italy(CastelForte), Yugoslavia(Vrset), Hungary(Lesencetomay), the USA (Chicago, Madison), Denmark(Inuit Gallery,Aalborg), Finland, Romania. Studio: Str. Glad, no. 98 Timisoara, Romania Mobile: +40 (0) 723 609 594 E-mail:, Web page: