
Regina Jokunaitis also known as Mirrorartist.

These are images of original oil artworks on refurbished mirrors,

New Age Mirror

Regina Jokubaitis

ARTIST BIOGRAPHY & INTENT . . . I am currently exploring in what I call NEW AGE MIRROR! Simply refurbishing anywhere from new to used to antique mirrors. Channeling original creativity in oils. Creating a as unique as each individual who looks into it, an abstract expressionism experience. My carpentry skills are novice, so frames and backings may be a little irregular, but then again that's part of the art. Original oil on mirrors, are negotiable. Prints are available at https://www.saatchiart.com/mirrorartist An award winning, published, and self-taught artist, born 1/1/60 in New York of Lithuanian immigrant parents. Fluent in English and Lithuanian. Graduated Mt. Saint Mary's Academy in Top 10%. Explored small town America for many years while traveling the carnival circuit. I am known as MIRRORARTIST. I am an evolving entrepreneur and invite everyone to visit my websites: https://www.instagram.com/reginathemirrorartist and https://www.shopvida.com/collections/regina-jokubaitis if you are a fashion trend setter and wish to wear my art. Please note: Reflections are evident in photographs of my artwork, as these are of mirrors, not canvas. Originals are clear and crisp and unique! Digitally manipulated prints of originals are also available. Look forward to new art to be uploaded sometime in 2023! contact email regimmy@att.net ARTIST STATEMENT . . . Individuality: the quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes them from others of the same kind. Although Regina Jokubaitis' artwork does not conform to any particular subject matter, she uses the word "Individuality" to describe the tone and theme of her original oil on mirrors. With more than 2 million artworks, just on the Saatchiart.com site for example, Regina Jokubaitis is the only artist that utilizes a refurbished and repurposed mirror as a canvas to channel creativity in oils. Her many years as a homeless carnival worker has dominated how she perceives life in general, and expresses herself through her artworks. Surrounded by all the happy emotions that come with bright lights, sounds of bells, whistles, and laughter, the thrill of rides and the hopeful games of chance have left Regina with a positive life attitude and an unconventional approach to art. The mirrors as canvas reflect light and illuminate the lines and shapes of the oil strokes. The focal point of her artwork resembles a lite-up sign on a carnival midway or a New York Times Square billboard. Regina's unusual artwork satisfies the perimeter of eyesight, mind, and soul of the onlooker. Six famous artists who suffered from mental illness are Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Degas, Edvard Munch, Mark Rothko, Georgina O'Keeffe and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Artist Regina Jokubaitis can easily be added to this list of masters, as she is diagnosed with bipolar schizoaffective disorder. Her artworks from time to time are reflective of "manic motion" or "oddness" of subject matter. Regina cordially invites you to think outside the box of mainstream oil on canvas and accept her self-illuminating artistic creations of oil on mirrors as a pioneer of "Individuality" artwork! And for those of you who simply can't concede to my vision of art . . . no worries . . . fine paper and canvas prints are available.

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