About The Artist

Art has always had an important resonance in my life, a trigger of emotion. Painting, fashion, sculpture, literature, everything calls out to me. But it is painting that fascinates me the most. The representation of color in this art. Painters like Picasso, Kandisky, Klimt, Kahlo, Modigliani have moved me by their use of color. I discovered that color is a whole. For a long time, admiring all these painters was enough to make me happy, but as time went by, the desire to paint seemed obvious to me. Not having followed any artistic training, I groped, experimented by giving free rein to my imagination without censoring myself. The main thread of all my paintings remains nevertheless: color. I love its energy, its language. I work on its opacity, its transparency, its lightness. Acrylic and oil are my favorite techniques because they sublimate the color. I play with colors, I assemble them as I please. I start from the color, and then I master and structure them. The forms, the portraits, the landscapes intervene then. The starting point is always the color. We can say that color is my language, my framework. I visualize nature symbolically, very stylized, saturated with hues. Women, my other hobby, I decline them by trying to draw them with their strength, their differences and their freedom, as stylized as possible. Web site : www.klao.fr Instagram : @klao_06