by Anina Deetlefs

Artwork Description

Tuning In

0.0 x 0.0

What does it mean to be in tune with the universe? When we are in tune with the universe, we are in tune with ourselves, with other people, with the natural environment, and with God. Being in tune with ourselves means serving in the capacity for which we came into physical life and functioning at our highest potential. It means going with the flow, accepting growth and change as a natural part of life. It means accepting full responsibility for our thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions. It means learning to appreciate our own positive qualities and resolving to work toward eliminating our imperfections. Being in tune with others means accepting that all are children of the same Creator. It means appreciating and accepting people as they are and not trying to change or control them. It means being sensitive to the feelings, wants and needs of others. It means finding commonalities and learning how best to work harmoniously and cooperatively alongside other people. It means celebrating with others and sharing their sorrows. It means helping others, but it also means learning how to allow them to help themselves. It means changing our focus from the love of power to the power of love. 140Hx100W cm Oil on canvas

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Oil

Genre: Figurative