Barbara Trojanowska

Barbara Trojanowska

About The Artist

Barbara Trojanowska belongs to the Association of Polish Painters and Graphic Artists. She creates using oil and acrylic painting techniques. In her works, she refers to many cultural circles, works of the Aztecs, shamanism, fictional dimensions of Cthulhu mythology, in order to reach her inner worlds and show them on canvas in a characteristic way. Regardless of whether her paintings show surreal nature, geometric forms, technology, or a fairy-tale world bordering on magical realism, she always strives to achieve harmony of shapes and atmosphere. She fulfills her fascination with the spatial form both through reliefs and manipulating chiaroscuro in dynamic, visually three-dimensional art pieces. A common element of the style visible in her works is figurativeness and saturated, intense colors. Since 2014, the artist has presented her works at six individual and over a dozen collective exhibitions in Poland. More information can be found on my website