About The Artist

In life and business, she wears two 'hats' and in everyday life, is known as Susanne Wiechert - Health, Empowerment and Resilience Coach - helping people get out of the hamster-wheel of stress, anxiety and toxic relationships. She never imagined that one day she would be painting as a process of healing - healing her own trauma through creative expression - her soul somehow guided to do something the body had never done before and with it, producing something quite amazing. Initially triggered by emotion during a de-cluttering process, it all started with finding an old picture of praying hands with the words “Let go, let God” which followed with a vision of an artistic interpretation of it. And so began the new journey and exploration into vibrant colours - mostly in acrylics on canvas or board, occasionally venturing into watercolour or pastels on paper. Occasionally Suzan feels totally compelled to paint only with her fingers and these paintings are then quite abstract. Her favourite colours being shades of blue and green, she nevertheless occasionally has bursts of incredibly bright expressions in golds, reds, pinks even. Although many years ago, she did art at school and thereafter did small paintings of flowers in watercolour, her currect method of free-flow plainting is self-taught and intuitive...connecting on a deep level and often evoking a strong emotional connection with the viewer. This has been proven through exhibits of SuzanA carefully chosen pieces that have been strategically placed in training rooms to emit energy that can help participants get 'unstuck' with their thoughts; find inspiration from within, remain calm, yet energized and motivated throughout to propel them into action and get the desired results. It has been five years since Suzan began this particular journey into art and she now has a collection of around 100 paintings, each quite different from each other - some abstract, reflective, expressive - some quite realistic...but all with an integrated energy for healing that has somehow woven itself into the palette of colours and transferred to each canvas and beyond. Some have even brought forth poetry that tells the story of the picture or gives a special message to the viewer and recipient. Why the SuzanA signature? Her maiden name Suzan Atai. So it just seemed natural to her to continue signing under her original identity.