Sarah Holloway Smith

Sarah Holloway Smith

About The Artist

Sarah Holloway Smith BA Hons, is a British artist, born in the North of England raised in the Yorkshire countryside. Sarah graduated from Edinburgh College of Art with an Honors Degree in Applied Design with Art History, majoring in Textiles and Stained Glass. Edinburgh College allowed her to fully indulge her love of texture, fabric and yarn with her fascination of the effects of light on color. Strong drawing skills and integrity of line were a key part of her studies at College and this strength of drawing remains a critical component of her work today. Sarah has always loved color and texture and can't remember a time when drawing, painting or ‘cutting up and sticking down’ weren’t part of her life. Sarah's current portfolio is a collection of unique pieces inspired by Mother Nature and the furry, feathery characters around her. Made up of paintings on canvas, drawings on paper and mixed media pieces utilizing fabric and handmade paper, Sarah enjoys the strength of line and the play of light on color the most, as she attempts to match strength of form through her drawings, using layers of paint, paper, fabric and texture that still allow the natural light to show through. She currently lives in rural Texas with her husband and her growing menagerie.