About The Artist

1958 - Born in Sofia, Bulgaria. 1972 - 1976 - Study in the School of Fine Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria. 1978 - Begins studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria with major in Printmaking and Illustration. 1980 -1985 - Continues in the Academy of Graphic Art and Painting, Leipzig, Germany Specializes in techniques of old German painters with Volfgang Poiker and Peter Shtelzman, Anatomy with Alfred Bammes , Lettering with Albert Kapr, Painting and illustration , graduates 1985. 1985 -1989 - Works as a free-lance artist, Sofia, Bulgaria.1986 - Solo exhibition - paintings on Decameron, by Giovany Boccachio,1987 - Group exhibition Stutgard, Germany. 1988 - Solo exhibition - Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden, Germany. 1989 - Moves to Canada in St.John’s, New Foundland and becomes Canadian citizen. Begins to work as a print maker at St. Michael Printshop. 1992 - Illustrates the text book "Atlantic Edge", Break Water Books Publishing, St.John’s, New Foundland. 1993 - Wins price for best illustration in the International Competition, SOHO, 54 Gallery, New York, N.Y. 1993 - Settles in Montreal.1994 - Works as a printmaker preparing colour etching at the Studio PM, Montreal . 1995 - Paints his first works with theme "The Nostalgia of Montreal" for the collector M.Overland. 1996 - Group exhibition in Leipzig, Germany.1997 - Works with Art Gallery Michele Bigue, St.Sauveur des Monts.1998 - Works for Printing and Reproduction Inc. Montreal, the 3D Gallery, SOHO, New York and the Gallery A.H.Cambell, Westmount. 1998 - Begins to work with Denis Beauchamp, who becomes his Art agent and recently represents his work in Canada and US.1999 - Solo Exhibition at Balcon d’ Art, St.Lambert. 2000 - Participates in the Just for Laugh Festival in Montreal ,Illustration for the book “Le Petit Prince” Antoine de Saint-Exupery.Participates in the competition of the Royal Canadian Mint. 2000. 2001 - Golden Statue - First Price at the Symposium of Visual Arts in the Comedy Festival, Montreal. 2002 - Sixteen of his works are printed in various sizes by Canada Print Inc. 2003 - Receives grant for the creation of the diptych" The Game of Manipulation " for Canada Day. 2003 - 2006 - Working actively with his Art Agent and participating in numerous exhibitions in Montreal and Canada .2006 - Invited to make presentation at the Summer Cocktail party by the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec - Lise Thibault. 2006 - Solo exhibition at Balcon d'Art,St.Lambert. 2007 - Creates and paints an exterior Fresco in St.Adele, named "Cine-Lux" - 3 x 10 metres 2010 Solo exhibition at Metropolitan Flat in the Capital of Brazil, Brazil. 2012 his art is represented by POSTERS 2 PRINTS USA. 2016 represented in the INSPIRATION ART BOOK. The same year awarded with Certificate of Achievement for an outstanding contribution to the world art. 2008-2018 Creates over 210 new paintings on different themes: Cafe scenes, Bistro, Busy places, Dance, and Music, using a new style and new technique. 2016 accepted in one of the most prestigious New York Art Books- "Inspiration Art Book " receiving Certificat of Achievement for Contribution to the world of Art. From May 5 to June 14 2018 participation in New York 3 Artist Show in AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY Recently working as a freelancer with a client from Belgium ordering big-size paintings. E-Mail: Tell. (514) 737 0556