by Maria Araceli Schettini Baubeta

Artwork Description

"Jimena y su luz"

0.0 x 0.0

Mi inspiración nace de un hecho real. Jimena representa a una mujer. Se ha ido. Es muy joven. Ve la luz. Ella es luz. Donde se apoya hay luz. La luz viene hacia ella. Ella va camino a la luz. Hay colores a su alrededor. Ella está esperando. (My inspiration comes from a real event. Jimena represents a woman. She has left. She is very young. She sees the light. She is light. Where she leans there is light. The light comes towards her. She is on her way to the light. There are colors all around her. She is waiting).

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Acrylic

Genre: Abstract