Baturo Inez

Baturo Inez

About The Artist

Artist photographer, translator, publisher, editor. Co-founder and Vice-President of the Foundation Centre of Photography (since 2004). One of organizers of FotoArtFestival and its program director. Co-owner of the Baturo Publishing House (since 1991). Co-founder and co-curator the Gallery of Photography B&B in Bielsko-Bia?a (since 1992). Born in 1966. Now she lives in Bielsko-Bia?a. Poland. Master's degree in English Philology (Silesian University, 1991). A member of the Union of Polish Artists Photographers (ZPAF) since 1999. Vice-president of the Mountain Division of the Union of Polish Artists Photographers (2004-2008). Member of the Forum Photo Agency (since 2007). Member of IRIS (Loughborough University School of Art and Design) - an organization based in the UK, promoting world photography by women (since 2009). Curator of the exhibitions “The Art of Seeing” (Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Bia?a, 2003) and of the International photo contest and exhibition "No Borders" (2005). Her photographs have been published (among others) in: “Playboy”, “Voyage”, “National Geographic”, “Podró?e”, “FOTO”. The author the books: “The Beskidy Mountains”, “The Beskids”, “Cieszyn”. Images published in books: “Polish Mountains”, “Bielsko-Bia?a”. Her work and biography are included in: “Masters of Polish Landscape” and in the prestigious “A History of Women Photographers” by Naomi Rosenblum (Abbeville Press, Nowy Jork, USA). She has translated into Polish "World History of Photography" by Naomi Rosenblum (Abbeville Press / Baturo Publishers 2005). Specializes in landscape, but she also took photos of children, theatre, fashion. She takes some documentary, too. Prizes: - Grand Prix, Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowy Targ (1990); - Grand Prix, Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowy Targ (1992); - Silver Medal, Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowy Targ (1994); - The Prize of the President of Bielsko-Biala City in Culture - Ikar 2005;- The Prize of the year of the Minister of Culture for eminent achievements in plastic arts (2007), given to a photographer for the first time in the history of Poland; - A Grant by the Association of Authors - ZAiKS (2011). Prizes for the book "The Beskids": - Jantar Book (prize for the most beautiful book of the year), Meetings of Good Book Publishers, Gda?sk, Poland (1995); - Prize in the Contest of the Society of Polish Book Publishers (1995). Solo exhibitions: - "The World of Mountains", II International Festival of Mountain Film, Katowice, Poland (1992); - "The Beskids", Galerie Objective, Enschede, Holland (1994); - "Mountains, mountains...", Galeria Pusta, Górno?l?ska Macierz Kultury, Katowice, Poland (1995); - "Light in landscape", dias show, Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (1997); - "To see the light", Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (1999); - "To see the light", Stara Galeria ZPAF, Warsaw, Poland (1999/2000); - "To see the light", Galeria stotrzyna?cie, Bia?ystok, Poland (2000); - "To see the light", Galeria Umeleckej Fotografi, Moravska Trebova, Czech Republic (2001); - I"n the Face of a Moment", Galley of ?ód? Photographic Society, Poland (2003); - "Passion in Photography", dias show, 5. Explorers Festival, ?ód?, Poland (2003);?- "Inez Baturo", International Festival of Photography, Moravska Trebova, Czech Republic (2004); ?- "Inez Baturo", dias show, Biennale of Mountain Photography, Jelenia Góra, Poland (2004); “Inez Baturo - Photography”, Dmochowski Gallery, Paris. France (2009); „Inez Baturo - Photography”, a presentation, Rybnik Festival of Photography, Poland (2009); “Project - My City”, Museum Castle, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (2009); „Inez Baturo - Photography”, a presentation, School of Photography, Katowice, Poland (2009); „Inez Baturo - Photography”, A Decade of Photography, Cracow, Poland (2009); „Inez Baturo - Polish Mountains”, Polish Institute in Vilnius, touring exhibition in Lithuania: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Taurage (2009 / 2010); „Inez Baturo - Photography”, Gallery ArtAdres, Skoczów, Poland (2010); „Inez Baturo - Photography”, European House, by Polish Embassy in association with Polish Presidency in the Council of EU, Riga, Latvia (2011). Group exhibitions: - Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowy Targ and Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (1990); - International Festival of Mountain Image, Antibes, France, Poland (1991); - Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowy Targ and Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (1992); - Biennal of Mountain Photography, Jelenia Góra, Poland (1992); - Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowy Targ and Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (1994); - Surprise yourself, Galerie Objective, Enschede, Holland, Poland (1998); - Mountain Region ZPAF - 2000, Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (2000); - Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury, Cracow, Poland (2001); - Masters of Polish Landscape, Miejska Galeria Sztuki, ?ód?, Poland (2001); - Bia?ka 2002, Stara Galeria ZPAF, Warsaw, Poland (2002); - Mountain Photography, Museum of History of Photography, Cracow, Poland (2003); - The art of Seeing, Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (2003); - Bia?ka 2003, Stara Galeria ZPAF, Warsaw, Poland (2003); - Horses, horses..., Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (2003); - Where are we?, ZPAF exhibition, Stara and Ma?a Galeria ZPAF, Warsaw, Poland (2005); - Festival of Visual Arts, Bielsko Gallery BWA, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (2007); Polish Collector`s Photography, Auction House Rempex, Warsaw, Poland (2008); Bielsko-Bia?a, a Magic City, SFERA Gallery, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (2008); Polish Collector`s Photography, Auction House Rempex, Warsaw, Poland (2009); Homage to Hartwig, Public Library in Lublin, Poland (2009); “My City Bielsko-Bia?a”, Museum Castle, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (2010); “A Child”, Museo Sankt`Agostino, Genua, Italy (2010); “ A Child”, Museo Postale, Triest, Italy (2010); “ A Child”, town-hall, Tholen, Holland (2010); “ A Child”, town-hall, Campomorone, Holland (2010; Festival of Visual Arts, Bielsko Gallery BWA, Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland (2011). Lectures: “Annie Leibovitz - life and photography”, Bielsko-Bia?a (2009); Rybnik (2009); Cieszyn (2009). “Mountain Women`s Photography”, Dekada Fotografii, Kraków 2009 Works in Collections: Women`s Issues Collection, British Library, London, GB; Museum Castle in Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland; Special Collection of the Public Library in Lublin, Poland.