Yeshaya Dank

Yeshaya Dank

About The Artist

"My watercolour art explores everything that is beautiful in this world... People, places, emotions, experiences and opportunities." - Yeshaya Dank. I want beauty to be accessible to everyone, and for there to be the understanding that beauty exists everywhere, all the time, you just need to search for it and you will be dearly rewarded! I paint the uncharted territory, the places and things that I've never seen painted like this before or from this angle. I try to put many hidden gems into one painting, just waiting for you to discover. Showing how everything has beauty, it's just waiting to be discovered. The artists who inspire my work include: Edvard Munch, Vincent Van Gogh, and JR. To see all of my other creative projects please visit: or or search for "Yeshaya Dank" anywhere online.