by Ajanovic

Artwork Description


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SARAJEVO WAR 1994; NUN, POETIC Beauty and Strength of the Human Spirit, Mirza Ajanovic POETIC Photography, FROM OPUS; Sarajevo City of Light, BOSNIA in Tragic WAR, Picture is based on light and darkness counterpoints, Observation of physical and psychological reality… Acutely observed realism brought a new level of emotional intensity, City Life, Street Scenes, Symbolism, Transcendental ART, Perception Internal, Metaphysics ART, Mystical Photography, Perception beyond Appearances; POETIC TransRealism; Perception beyond the Veil; including the veil of religion; "I've brought you a mirror… Look at yourself and remember me." Jalaluddin Rumi. ARTIST Mirza Ajanovic; Fine ART Photography,

Artwork Details

