Debora Missoorten

Debora Missoorten

About The Artist

I love to bring small and big issues and questions of our everyday life into my paintings and I love to do this in a rather 'playful' way . My paintings are also inspired by personal memories and thoughts about life in general. The use of a specific color scheme adds a feeling of idealization and sentiment to my art. Some of my paintings are permeated with an idealized vision of the world others are filled with second thoughts and questions. For me , painting is a way of blogging, an attempt to depict a transient moment in liberty of interpretation. I want to make use of this liberty as much as possible to avoid my work becoming predictable. The 'people' in my paintings are my 'characters', my persona that's why I knowingly not always give them realistic skintones or photographic representation of the faces even so I had a classical portrait from life education and love to draw and paint realistic portraits. I put a lot of time in the detailed underdrawing which I do on the old fashion way inspired by the Old Masters even it is time consuming it is the way I prefer to work . follow me on instagram @debora_missoorten