Ana Lopez Montes

Ana Lopez Montes

About The Artist

Ana López Montes has a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts from School of Visual Arts in New York City. She has exhibited her work in the United States, Europe, and in Mexico. Her most important solo exhibitions in Mexico have been, Thresholds at The City Museum of Queretaro, Queretaro, Collage at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Merida, Yucatan, and Principios at the Anthropology Museum in Xalapa, Veracruz. She was born in Mexico City in 1971 and her interest in fine arts started at 9 years old, first with figure drawing, then with oil painting. She grows in Mexico City and her first experience in coexisting with other artists is when she lives in Paris from 1990 to1991. She works at Atelier Port Royal with the painter Marzelle, who was one of Cezanne?s disciples. She then returns to Mexico City to study at the University Anahuac, Sciences in Media Communications where for two years she focuses her studies in literature, philosophy and semantics. In 1993 she travels to New York City and in 1996 she graduates from School of Visual Arts awarded with The Rhodes Family Award for Outstanding Students. After four years of studio work in Mexico city, she comes back to the United States, to Chicago, Illinois and works in various ateliers mostly in figure drawing and sculpture. Since 2004 she works weekly at a monotype atelier, Archivo Grafico, where she has developed a profound interest in graphic work and its possibilities. Her experience in working with the monotype technique has guided her painting to address it with spontaneity, with intuitive compositions and a vast palette of colors. Her oil paintings, on canvas or on paper, reflect her interest in the materiality of painting, spatula hand strokes and the vitality of color. She lives and works in Mexico City.