Choose Hari Lualhati’s Entry as First Choice for the Ken Bromley Art Supplies Cover Competition

Hari Lualhati Hari Lualhati

AUGUST 07, 2012

June of 2012 I've joined and emailed my work for "Ken Bromley Art Supplies Cover Competition". It was only on July 24, 2012, when they have released the names of the artists that have been included in the shortlist. I'm very happy that my painting has been chosen. People can vote for their First, Second and Third Choice until August 12, 2012. From the three works with highest online votes Mr. Richard Bromley of Ken Bromley Art Supplies and a Director from Winsor & Newton will choose who will be the first, second and third place winner. I will be needing your help guys. Please vote for my work and make it your "First Choice". You can vote by following this link and look for my artwork with my name Hari Lualhati: Thank you very much. Hari Lualhati