About The Artist

Matilde is an award winning photojournalist born in 1974 from a French mother and an Italian father. After studying History at the Universite' des Sciences Humaines in Strasbourg, France, she decided to follow her passion for visual arts becoming a photographer. Matilde is based in Lebanon and works mainly in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa due to her interest for those regions. She started her career as a photojournalist and later embraced also Architecture and Corporate photography. Her work is published on Time, The New York Times, Der Spiegel, The Observer, Die Zeit, Foreign Policy, Neon Magazine, Geo, The New Yorker, The Guardian, Vanity Fair, Elle, Emirates Women. Her personal project focuses on water issues around the world, related to war, ecological and natural disasters, drought and desertification. Her book Uzbekistan, 10 years after independence; published in 2002 was made in collaboration with the Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid, one of the major experts of Central Asia and Afghanistan. The book depicts a social frame of Uzbekistan 10 years after its independence from the USSR and poses the delicate question of the future of the Uzbek nation, the most powerful country in Central Asia thanks to its strategic geographical position. Matilde is currently working on a long term project that focuses on the Syrian Women Refugees in Lebanon.