About The Artist

I live in sunny Florida and it is always the light in every scene that inspires me and challenges me to try and capture it in my paintings. I have painted full time for 25 years. I have been very fortunate to have a steady supply of clients and commissions. I work in several mediums and enjoy each; however my favorite is oil. I am entirely self taught as an artist. As most artists do; I started with pencil and charcoal long before I attempted painting. Along the way I was coerced into painting a mural; for the first time; by my brother and I enjoyed the freedom of working in larger spaces. I have continued to paint murals of all scales and subjects. My personal favorites are ' 17th century French and Italian' . My commissions are half studio paintings and half murals. And I have work in an Orlando gallery as well as a store in Sarasota Fl. On this web site I have a small sample of my work both murals and fine art pieces. More of my work can be seen at ' Twin Palms Studio ' on the internet. '