rohn meijer

rohn meijer

About The Artist

Rohn Meijer was born in Amsterdam, Holland and before his seventh birthday, his family immigrated to Los Angeles. Los Angeles offered sunny growing years that with the passing of time he assimilated in body and spirit. At the age of 22 he decides to return to Amsterdam where he studies ceramics at the Rietveld Academy. After his diploma, he goes to Italy for the first time and works there as a designer of industrial ceramics, collaborating, among others, with Mario Bellini, Ambrogio Pozzi and Joe Colombo. Returning to Amsterdam to work as a sculptor and teaches industrial ceramics at the Academy of Industrial Design in Eindhoven. Collaboration with Dutch photographer Jan Francis, introduces him to the creative world of fashion photography and with the passing of time that curiosity became a passion. After many foreign travels for “personal research”, another passion was born, that of photographing people of other places and cultures.