Lindsay Handyside

Lindsay Handyside

About The Artist

Lindsay Handyside I was brought up on a beautiful farm in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe, Africa and my mother, a gifted artist herself, always encouraged me as a child to use my God given talent. I had no formal training in art and and it was only when the youngest of my three children began school that I could return to this passion. I began by illustrating a series of children’s reading books, and painting wildlife and birds for calendars. I also took part in a number of successful exhibitions and in 2006 my work was accepted by a top gallery, The Everard Read Gallery, in Cape Town, South Africa. Conditions in Zimbabwe were deteriorating rapidly and so when I came to El Reno, Oklahoma in 2008 on vacation to visit my eldest son and his family the decision was made for me to apply for permanent residency. Since then exciting new opportunities that I never had whilst living in Zimbabwe have begun to materialize. In 2009 my work was awarded second place in an International Christian Art competition and was also published in the Art Buzz 2009 book. Recently I was a finalist in the 29th Artist's Magazine's Annual Competition and chosen as an Artist of the Month for 2013. Two pieces of my artwork have also recently been selected to take part in the 7th International Guild of Realism exhibition in Carmel, California.