Working On Wings To Fly

Deborah Maris Lader Deborah Maris Lader

SEPTEMBER 11, 2012

My latest series of etchings are derived from both dreams and life, and the way these experiences are sewn together, with odd bits of memories mixed and strewn throughout. They are ethereal portraits of sorts. Birds with human limbs live in limbo between earth and flight, as the inevitability of change encroaches. There is both danger and peace as the possibility of flight is considered, and this moment stands as a metaphor for hope. The things of life do creep their way into my images, of course. In some of these prints, I believe the "baby birds" represent my children, who have started to leave the safety of their nest and will hopefully somehow find their wings. Deborah Maris Lader, Etching from copper plate, Image Size: 24 x 18 inches, ©2012