by Aase- Hilde Brekke

Artwork Description


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2008 Photo, photo installation, chipboard, grass, stones 20x20x20cm ©Aase-Hilde Brekke Same-Lama (Brekke, 2008), was presented in the exhibition toghether with 69 other artists in Hommage à Iver Jåks, Små verk som reflekterer et stort kunstnerskap(No.)/ Small works that reflect great artistry. 09.10-31.10.2010 Hommage à Iver Jåks was organized by Nordnorsk kunstnersenter, RiddoDuottarMuseat (former: De Samiske Samlinger), Sami kunstnersenter and Savio Museum. The project was supported by the Research Council of Norway, Polaråret, Fritt Ord, the Sami Parliament, and the Norwegian Cultural Council.

Artwork Details

Medium: Photography
