Ana Milosavljevic

Ana Milosavljevic

About The Artist

Born 1979. Live and work in Belgrade, Serbia. Education: 2008. Finished Postgraduate studies at the Academy of Arts, department of graphics arts, Novi Sad, professor Zvonko Tilic’s class. 2004. Graduated at the Academy of Arts, department of graphic arts, Novi Sad, professor Zvonko Tilic’s class. 2000. Finished College for applied and fine arts in Belgrade. 2008. Member of Association of Ex Libris - Belgrade 2007. Member of Association Art Kvart, Serbia 2006. Member of Association Of Fine Artists Of Serbia, ULUS. Solo Exhibitions: 2010. Serbia, Kragujevac, Gallery Mostovi Balkana, exhibition of graphics 2009. Serbia, Beograd, Gallery SKC, exhibition of drawings and prints 2008. Serbia, Novi Sad, Gallery Zlatno Oko, exhibition of graphics 2007. Serbia, Beograd, Gallery Academy, exhibition of graphics 2005. Serbia, Beograd, Gallery Studentski grad, exhibition of graphics and drawings - Serbia, Paracin, Gallery Kulturni centar, exhibition of graphics and drawings - Serbia, Beograd, Gallery Graficki kolektiv, exhibition of graphics 2004. Serbia, Novi Sad, Gallery DA, exhibition of graphics I participated over 80 group exhibitions and several art colonies in the country and abroad (Serbia, Italy, USA, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Denmark, Bulgaria, Mexico, Bosnia and Herzegovina...). Awards: 2007. Second Prize at IV Competition and Exhibition of Ex Libris “Acque termali”, Acqui Terme, Italia 2004. Winner of Academy of arts yearly award, Novi Sad, Serbia 2004. XII biennale of student graphics award, Beograd, Serbia