About The Artist

Sirenes - A Sublime Colorist Enamored of Light, Sirenes received a brilliant art review from Wilson Wong, New York for her first exhbition in New York at Agora Gallery. "Sirenes conveys an even more elusive subject by virtue of her mastery of chromatic dynamics as vibrant and yet gentle as the music of Ravel. Sirenes conveys an even more elusive subject by virtue of her mastery of chromatic dynamics as vibrant and yet gentle as the music of Ravel" og "an atmospheric miasma conjured with a finesse that calls to mind the 19th century British painter J.M.V Turner". Sirenes appears to combine a gestural lyricism that can be compared favorably to the early Abstract Expressionist works of Philip Guston with a chromatic complexity that would do the Color Field master Jules Olitski proud. Her ability to combine these elements so successfully suggests that one might think of her as an “Abstract Impressionist”. "it is the underlying abstract armature of formal balance informing her compositions that invariably enhances and empowers all of Sirenes’ paintings." Biographical Information: Sirenes was born in 1966, live and work at Bærums Verk, Norway Sirenes Artist Statement: I have always been fascinated by colors, even as a child, and as an adult I have found that flowers, clothes and cosmetics all provide me with regular sources of intriguing or delightful color combinations. I become inspired to paint through silence and peace, by performing yoga, through meditation and by being in nature. I am trying to express my inner feelings from my soul in my work, but also relationships and emotions in and between human beings. I am very sensitive to the feelings of others, and that sensitivity forms an important part of my artwork. I am painting directly onto the canvas, often through finger-painting with the consequence that each painting becomes absolutely unique. I simply love playing with different colors and techniques Exhibitions: Sirenes has since her first solo exhibition in august 2011, already exhibited in Italy, Spain, Canada and New York. She is now represented by several galleries in Italy, US and Spain. Her artwork has been published in several art books and magazines and she has received several art awards. 2014 starts with several exhibitions in Italy where she is represented by her galleries; Bologna, Genova, Florence and Rome. Exhibitions in US and other countries are being planned. Online presentation: Sirenes Fine Art Gallery: www.sirenes.no E-mail: post@sirenes.no Social Media: http://www.facebook.com/#!/SirensMalerier You Tube: Sirenes Autumn Art Collection: http://youtu.be/PewNAsnUy24