ArtQuench Magazine Wants Your Artwork!

Stacia Gates Stacia Gates

JANUARY 17, 2014

ArtQuench Magazine is looking for artwork with originality. ArtQuench Magazine is not only looking for artists to showcase their artwork and back story, but we are looking for the artwork for "THE COVER !" Click the link to find out how to submit your work..

NOV. "Western Outlook" Art Competition

Stacia Gates Stacia Gates

NOVEMBER 06, 2013

CALL TO Artists and Photographers...Art Quench Gallery International Juried "Western Outlook" Art Competition is happening now! Enter here... Nov.1-Nov. 30 At the end of the month someone will WIN ONE YEAR of representation with AQG and receive Great Publication in Art Quench Magazine will publish your artwork and your back story to thousands of art lovers. This is a great opportunity for artists at any level of their career. AQG is accepting all mediums (excluding video) Enter here... To view past competitions click here...

LAST DAY To Enter HAUNTED Art Competition

Stacia Gates Stacia Gates

OCTOBER 31, 2013

TODAY is the LAST DAY to Enter your best "HAUNTED" Images to The Art Quench Gallery Oct. Art Competition. You could WIN ONE YEAR of representation with and Publication In Don't miss out on this great opportunity! Enter at...