Barbara Wurden

Barbara Wurden

About The Artist

Barbara Wurden expresses her artistic talent through three creative disciplines. She is a fine artist, decorative painter and video producer. Wurden received a bachelor’s degree in fine art from a Minnesota State University in 1985. Soon afterwards, she moved to Southern California to pursue her passion as an artist. She began by developing a decorative painting business. Wurden, owner of Faux Fun, has collaborated with designers and homeowners leaving behind her creative signature in homes and commercial business throughout Southern California. Friends and clients loved to watch her work and they frequently inquired about the processes. Consequently, Wurden decided to create an instructional video to show them the steps. The idea blossomed into the ten title Faux Fun DVD series. She does much of the production on her own as she thrives on the artistic challenges of setting up interesting camera angles and delivering clear and inspiring scripts. In contrast to her faux painting instructional videos, Wurden produces a handy woman web show. It’s a home improvement show with a feminine flirtatious twist and she tags herself The Handy Goddess. She’s a diy goddess with great originality and has even managed to land her face on the Jay Leno Show. However, Wurden expresses herself best through fine art where she uses her creative energies in a more mystical manner. She paints both botanical and figurative expressions. Originally her botanical paintings started out as literal depictions of flowers and as she grew within herself so did her representations of the flowers where they became more abstract verses literal in their technical expression. In reverse from Wurden’s painting style with her botanical art her figurative painting expressions have transitioned from loosely abstract to more literal representations. In her life-size figurative and small scale oil paintings she paints symbolism and humor in their narrative. It’s as if she’s being guided by forces that direct the flow of inspiration revealed in these paintings which in turn fuel her soul to paint more figures as portraits of her life and of the lives of the people she’s painting.