True freedom is based on knowledge
Min Zou
DECEMBER 22, 2024
If you couldn't paint what you want, it doesn't mean "freedom", it just means "incompetence". True "freedom" means that you can paint what you want and fully express your own views. True freedom is based on "rationality" and "knowledge". Some people shout "learn from nature" and reject knowledge. The key is that the nature perceived solely by the naked eye is only at the appearance level. Only through thinking and knowledge can we see the essence through the phenomenon and pursue the truth. For example: in ancient times, the earth was an infinitely extended plane; ... geocentric theory; ... heliocentric theory; ... no-center theory, etc... This is why philosophy, science, and art all have a development process, because people's cognition is gradually improving, from ancient naive natural philosophy to epistemological philosophy. If you want to really enter philosophy, you must first understand these cosmology/time and space views. Because philosophy in different periods is based on the background of cosmology in different periods. Otherwise, don’t talk about your understanding of philosophy. Ancient Greek concept of space and time Newton's absolute concept of space and time Hume's concept of space and time Kant's a priori concept of space and time Mach's relative concept of space and time Poincare's conventional concept of space and time Einstein's concept of space and time Hawking's concept of space and time And so on ... Thought Music Deep and secluded, Leaping, Flowing with a rhythm of bright joy, A beautiful function/melody. The universe contains music. All things are numbers. The Art of Time, The melody of space. Why can mathematics explain the fundamental laws of nature? Why can mathematics explain the characteristics of human society? View the world The eye of wisdom wanders in the sky, View the world, The world is shyly waiting to be explored. Science is built on assumptions; Philosophy is built on assumptions; Art is built on assumptions. Now, philosophy and science have reached the end of human thinking. Is it due to the limitations of these assumptions? Reconstructing worldview?
Dialogue between an Angel and the King of Hell
Min Zou
JANUARY 26, 2024
The Angel: simple, kind, concise and infinitely wise. Travel through the infinite dimensional space and spread wisdom and love. The King of Hell: Gorgeous, complicated, and always looking for trouble. Demonstrate greed, anger and ignorance in the fire of narrow purgatory. The Angel Tranquility: Calm and peaceful, see true knowledge. The King of Hell temptation: Unlimited worldly desires, ultimate joy, come quickly. God opens the path to heaven and blocks the gates of hell. Some people do not follow the path of heaven, but instead drill through the gates of hell and fall into purgatory.
Boundless Feelings
Min Zou
FEBRUARY 04, 2023
the state of mind is like a valley, In a happy mood, Open and happy, Infinite lightness. Everything is smiling, Everything is very small; Everything is meditating, Everything is great.
To reflect on their own
Min Zou
APRIL 29, 2019
What have you done? the meaning? Don't always think what you got...
Min's viewpoint of art
Min Zou
FEBRUARY 26, 2014