About The Artist

Goodash Gideon Spiegel, better known as "Goodash", was born and currently resides in Tel Aviv, Israel. His education included attending FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) New York, New York. U.S.A and Philadelphia University. The artwork of Goodash consists on blending drawings goodash paints and photos he takes, resulting in what can be called Photodraws. Exhibitions: “Altered States of Reality” - The Tel-Aviv Opera - Feb. 2013 "Views from Afar" - Ein-Hod Art Gallery - Israel, Dec. 2012 "Memories" - Osher Marin JCC - San Rafael, California USA, Feb. 2012 "Faith" - Shorashim Gallery - Tel Aviv, Israel Jan. 2012 "Memories" - Oshman Family JCC - Palo Alto, California USA, July 2012 "Memories" - UCLA Hillel - Los Angeles, California USA, Jan. 2011 "Memories" - Stanford University Hillel - Palo Alto, California USA, Dec. 2010 "Altered States of Reality" - Agora Gallery - New York, New York, April 2010 "Memories" - Atlantic City - New Jersey USA, Aug. 2009 "Tel Aviv 100" - Israeli Consulate - Atalanta, Georgia, USA - May 2009 "Tel Aviv 100" - JCC in Atlanta - Atalanta, Georgia, USA - May 2009 "Wabi Sabi" - Wohl Center at Bar Ilan University - Tel Aviv, Israel, July 2009 "Wabi Sabi" - Ra'anana By The Lake Gallary - Ra'anana, Israel, May 2009 "Untitled" - Verizon Headquarters - Tel Aviv, Israel - April 2008 "Memories" - Jerusalem Thearter - Jerusalem, Israel - May 2007 "Views from Afar" - Amalia Arbel Gallery - Tel Aviv, Israel - Dec. 2006 Additionally, Goodash has been featured in multiple group exhibitions. Phone no.: 972-3-6426508 Cel. Phone: 972-50-7947453 E-Mail: spi555@gmail.com or search the web for Goodash-Art Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GoodashArt?ref=tn_tnmn